PHP-MySQL : Not able to fetch multiple record from database into word file

标签 php mysql ms-word

我必须将记录从数据库下载到 word 文件中。但是我无法这样做,因为每当我在表格周围添加 while 循环时,它都会给我错误。

当我获取单个记录时,我的代码工作正常。 谁能给我提供获取多条记录的方法。






    $party_name=mysql_query("select * FROM tb_party Where party_id='".$id."' ");

    $sample_text1 = $party_name_row['party_name'];

        $party_details="select * from tb_party_rate_entry
                    where party_id='$id'";

                    $word_xmlns = "xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office'

                   $word_xml_settings = "<xml><w:WordDocument>

                   $word_landscape_style = 
                   "@page {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:0.5in 0.31in 0.42in 0.25in;
                    }  div.Section1{page:Section1;}";

                   $word_landscape_headinh="{font-size:15px; }";

                 <img  src="' .$sample_text1 . '"  
                       height="150" width="150"/>';

                     $word_landscape_div_start = "<div class='Section1′>";

                  $word_landscape_div_end = "</div>";

                  $content = '<html '.$word_xmlns.'>
                     <title>Party Rate Report</title>'
                     .$word_xml_settings.'<style type="text/css">
        '.$word_landscape_style.' table,td 
                     {border:1px solid #FFFFFF; width:200px; color:#CCC;} </style>
        <body>'.$word_landscape_div_start  . 
                    '<table style="width:500px; color:#000000; 
                    margin:0 0 50px 100px; font-family: Arial Black, Gadget, 
                    sans-serif; font-size:24px;"><tr><td> Party Rate Report </td>

        <table style="width:700px;font-size:15px;font-family: 
                     Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif;">


        <td width="180">
            Party Name : '.  $party_name_row['party_name'] . '

        <td width="250">
        Address : '.  $party_name_row['party_address'] . '

        <td width="150">
        Phone : '.   $party_name_row['phone_no']. '

        <table style="width:700px; color:#00000; margin:22px 0 0 0px; 
                     font- family:Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana; 
                    font-size:15px;  border1px solid #666;">
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Zone</td>
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> 
                     Delivery Mode          
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Doc Type </td>
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Weight slot </td>
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Weight Unit </td>
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Flat </td>
        <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Price </td>

         <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">' .
                     $row_details['zone_id']. '</td>
                   <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.
                 <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'. 
                 <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'. 
                 <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.
           <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.
           <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.   
            $row_details['price' ] . '</td>         

        </table></br>' . $word_xml_settings. $word_landscape_div_end.'

 @header('Content-Type: application/msword');
 @header('Content-Length: '.strlen($content));
 @header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="Party Rate Report.doc"');
 echo $content;



enter image description here


快速重新格式化,添加一个循环(并假设 id 是一个整数):-




        $party_name=mysql_query("select * FROM tb_party Where party_id=$id ");
        if ($party_name_row=mysql_fetch_array($party_name))
            $sample_text1 = $party_name_row['party_name'];

        $word_xmlns = "xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office'

        $word_xml_settings = "<xml><w:WordDocument>

        $word_landscape_style = 
        "@page {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:0.5in 0.31in 0.42in 0.25in;
        }  div.Section1{page:Section1;}";

        $word_landscape_headinh="{font-size:15px; }";

        <img  src="' .$sample_text1 . '"  
        height="150" width="150"/>';

        $word_landscape_div_start = "<div class='Section1'> ";

        $word_landscape_div_end = "</div>";

        $content = '<html '.$word_xmlns.'>
                         <title>Party Rate Report</title>'
                         .$word_xml_settings.'<style type="text/css">
            '.$word_landscape_style.' table,td 
                         {border:1px solid #FFFFFF; width:200px; color:#CCC;} </style>
            <body>'.$word_landscape_div_start  . 
                        '<table style="width:500px; color:#000000; 
                        margin:0 0 50px 100px; font-family: Arial Black, Gadget, 
                        sans-serif; font-size:24px;"><tr><td> Party Rate Report </td>

            <table style="width:700px;font-size:15px;font-family: 
                         Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif;">


            <td width="180">
                Party Name : '.  $party_name_row['party_name'] . '

            <td width="250">
            Address : '.  $party_name_row['party_address'] . '

            <td width="150">
            Phone : '.   $party_name_row['phone_no']. '

            <table style="width:700px; color:#00000; margin:22px 0 0 0px; 
                         font- family:Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana; 
                        font-size:15px;  border1px solid #666;">
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Zone</td>
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> 
                         Delivery Mode          
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Doc Type </td>
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Weight slot </td>
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Weight Unit </td>
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Flat </td>
            <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;"> Price </td>

        $party_details="select * 
                        from tb_party_rate_entry
                        where party_id=$id";
            $content .= '<tr>
             <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">' .
                         $row_details['zone_id']. '</td>
                       <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.
                     <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'. 
                     <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'. 
                     <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.
               <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.
                  (($row_details['flat'] != '') ? $row_details['flat'] : ' ').'</td>   
               <td style=" border:1px solid #666; width:300px;">'.   
                $row_details['price' ] . '</td>         

        $content .=     '</table></br>' . $word_xml_settings. $word_landscape_div_end.'

        @header('Content-Type: application/msword');
        @header('Content-Length: '.strlen($content));
        @header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="Party Rate Report.doc"');
        echo $content;


注意新代码,您可能应该切换到使用 mysqli 而不是 php mysql 驱动程序

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