php - 如何为数组中的每个元素调用相同的函数?

标签 php mysql arrays

我基本上有一个表单,一旦按下提交按钮,它就会从 MySQL 传递数据。

我有一个从 MySQL 检索到的数组,我想为每个元素调用相同的函数。在过去的 14 小时里,我尝试了一个 for 循环,但我无法让它为数组中的每个元素运行相同的函数。


foreach($pClass->retrieveAllInfo() as $data)
    echo '
    <form method="post" action"">
        <input type="hidden" name="post_url" value="'.$data['p_Url'].'">'.$data['p_Url'].'
        <input type="hidden" name="post_description" value="'.$data['p_Description'].'">'.$data['p_Description'].'
        <input type="hidden" name="post_image" value="'.$data['p_Image'].'">'.$data['p_Image'].'

        <ul class="items">';?>
            foreach($pClass->retrieveBoards() as $data)
                echo '
                    <li><input type="checkbox" name="post_board_id[]" value="'.$data['boardiD'].'">'.$data['boardName'].'</li>
        echo '
        <input name="post_info" type="submit" value="Post">     


    pinLogin(); //calls and runs the function

    foreach($_POST['post_board_id'] as $data)
        echo '<pre>'; var_dump($data); echo '</pre>'; //just retrieving the arrays

function pinLogin() // logs into website with headers
    $ch         = // ch is a variable from cURL
    $cookie     = '/cookie.txt'; //cookie session
    $url        = ''; // website to post data to

    pinPost($ch, $cookie, $url);

function pinPost($ch, $cookie, $url) // posts the information below to the website above
    $boardId    = // here needs to be the board id that needs to be runned for each array..
    $postDesc   = $_POST['post_description'];
    $postUrl    = $_POST['post_url'];
    $postImage  = $_POST['post_image'];


基本上,当您按下 post_info 按钮时,它会运行 pinLogin() 函数,该函数会使用信息运行 pinPost()从表单发送的东西是 $_POST['post_board_id'];是一个数组,var_dump 结果如下:

string(18) "136234026166934321"

string(18) "286119451265381250"

string(18) "106468047379795203"

string(18) "468022654964640361"

string(18) "409757334785529893"

string(18) "409757334785575605"

string(18) "490681390589888313"

我基本上需要将每个数组作为 $boardId 发布在 pinPost() 中,然后为所有的运行 pinPost()其他数组。为了让它真正容易理解,这正是我想要做的。

当我点击发布按钮时,它会抓取第一个数组string(18) "136234026166934321",将其作为$boardId提交给pinPost() ,然后它会回到开头并运行第二个数组,string(18) "286119451265381250" 直到所有数组都已提交,几乎它只是将相同的信息发布到不同的板,这正是我想要做的。

我已经尝试做一个 for 循环并在里面运行 pinPost() 但我无法将板 ID 传递给 pinPost() 函数所以它不会跑。


因此,您可以使用几种不同的技术来实现这一目标。我的偏好是使用 array_walk 因为它的回调接受数组的键和值。 <强> array_map 也可以在这里使用,尽管它只能在其回调中使用数组的值。

$postBoards = $_POST['post_board_id'];

function pinLogin() 
    $ch         = // ch is a variable from cURL
    $cookie     = '/cookie.txt'; //cookie session
    $url        = '';

    // Run the pinPost callback for each element of $postBoards
    // with your custom user data from this function
    array_walk("pinPost", $postBoards, array($ch, $cookie, $url);

function pinPost($boardId, $boardKey, $data)
    // You have your boardId for each submitted board available here
    $postDesc   = $_POST['post_description'];
    $postUrl    = $_POST['post_url'];
    $postImage  = $_POST['post_image'];

    // $data contains your pinPost data for example
    $ch = $data[0];

这使您的 pinPost 函数成为 $postBoards 数组的每个元素的回调函数,并且一旦您调用 pinLogin()< 就会按顺序为每个数组条目运行.

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