php - 将两个查询的 MySQL 结果存储在 PHP 数组中

标签 php mysql arrays

如何创建、存储和输出使用两个不同 mysql 查询的数组?


$select1 = "SELECT country_id, country_name FROM countries ...";
while ($select1) { country results in array...

  $select2 = "SELECT city_id, city_name FROM cities where '" . $select1['country_id'] . "'..."); // depends on select1
  while ($select2) { city results in array...


**output something like this:**

country_id = 1
country_name = United States

  city_id = 1
  city_name = New York

  city_id = 2
  city_name = Las Vegas

country_id = 2
country_name = Canada

  city_id = 3
  city_name = Ottawa




    $list = [];
    $countries = $link->query("SELECT country_id, country_name FROM countries ...");

    while ($country_row /*fetch from $countries*/) {

        $country_id = $country_row['country_id']; 

        $country_info = [
                'country_id' => $country_id,
                'country_name' => $country_row['country_name'],
                'country_cities' => []

        $cities_stmt = "SELECT city_id, city_name FROM cities where $country_id...";
        $cities = $link->query($cities_stmt);

        while ($city_row /*fetch from $cities*/) {

            $city_id = $city_row['city_id'];

            $country_info['country_cities'][$city_id] = [
                    'city_id' => $city_id,
                    'city_name' => $city_row['city_name']

        $list[$country_id] = $country_info;


    foreach ( $list as $country_id => $country_info ) {

        echo "Country ID: $country_id<br />";
        echo 'Country Name: ' . $country_info['country_name'] . '<br />';
        echo 'Country Cities:<br />';

        $cities = $country_info['country_cities']; 

        foreach ( $cities as $city_id => $city_info ) {

                echo "   City ID: $city_id<br />";
                echo '   City Name: ' . $city_info['city_name'] . '<br />';

        echo '<br />';

此外,如果您知道国家 ID 或城市 ID,您可以:

    echo 'City Name: ' . $list[$country_id]['country_cities'][$city_id]['city_name'] . '<br />';

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