php - 调用数组 laravel 上的成员函数 where()

标签 php mysql laravel join controller

我有两个表tbl_law_master & tbl_law_sub_master 在这两个表上都有一个名为 assigned_to 的列,该列存储用户的 ID。

我的任务是通过加入 tbl_law_master 的 law_id 从 tbl_law_sub_master 获取特定 user's idsublaw


$law_id = $_GET['law_id'];

$sublaw = DB::table('tbl_law_sub_master')
            ->select('tbl_law_sub_master.*', 'tbl_law_master.lm_id', 'tbl_law_master.law_name', ' as lawId')
            ->leftJoin('tbl_law_master', '', '=', 'tbl_law_sub_master.lm_id')
            ->where('tbl_law_sub_master.lm_id', $law_id)
            ->orderBy('type_of_event', 'asc')
            ->orderBy('section', 'asc')
            ->orderBy('rules', 'asc')
            ->orderBy('notification', 'asc')
            ->orderBy('circular', 'asc')->get();

if (!in_array(Auth::user()->role, [1, 7])) 
   $sublaw = $sublaw->where('tbl_law_master.assigned_to', Auth::user()->id);


Call to a member function where() on array


问题是您已经调用了查询的 get(),然后再次调用了 where()


$sublaw = DB::table('tbl_law_sub_master')
        ->select('tbl_law_sub_master.*', 'tbl_law_master.lm_id', 'tbl_law_master.law_name', ' as lawId')
        ->leftJoin('tbl_law_master', '', '=', 'tbl_law_sub_master.lm_id')
        ->where(function($query) use ($law_id) {
            $query->where('tbl_law_sub_master.lm_id', $law_id);
            if (!in_array(Auth::user()->role, [1, 7])) 
                $query->where('tbl_law_master.assigned_to', Auth::user()->id);
        ->orderBy('type_of_event', 'asc')
        ->orderBy('section', 'asc')
        ->orderBy('rules', 'asc')
        ->orderBy('notification', 'asc')
        ->orderBy('circular', 'asc')->get();

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