mysql - 根据对另一个表的选择结果更新表

标签 mysql updates bulk bulkupdate



id | name | sale | commission
1  | abc  | 0    |   0
2  | xyz  | 0    |   0


id | date       | person_id | sale | commission
1  | 2016-05-01 |     1     | 10   |     1
2  | 2016-05-02 |     1     | 10   |     1
3  | 2016-05-03 |     1     | 10   |     1
4  | 2016-05-01 |     2     | 20   |     2
5  | 2016-05-02 |     2     | 20   |     2
6  | 2016-05-01 |     2     | 20   |     2

我想用单个更新查询来更新 person 表,并像这样更改表:


id | name | sale | commission
1  | abc  | 30   |   3
2  | xyz  | 60   |   6


SELECT person_id, SUM(sale), SUM(commission) 
FROM sale
GROUP BY person_id; 


正如 Strawberry 在您的问题下的评论中所说,在您保存此信息之前请三思而后行。它被非规范化,变得陈旧。相反,请考虑在报告生成期间使用它。否则,如前所述,您可能会遇到问题。

drop table if exists person;
create table person
(   personId int auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(100) not null,
    totSales decimal(9,2) not null,
    totComm decimal(9,2)
insert person(name,totSales,totComm) values
-- just added persons 1 and 2 (auto_inc)

drop table if exists sale;
create table sale
(   saleId int auto_increment primary key,
    saleDate date not null,
    personId int not null,
    sale decimal(9,2) not null,
    commission decimal(9,2) not null,
    index(personId), -- facilitate a snappier "group by" later
    foreign key (personId) references person(personId) -- Ref Integrity

insert sale(saleDate,personId,sale,commission) values

-- the following dies on referential integrity, FK, error 1452 as expected
insert sale(saleDate,personId,sale,commission) values ('2016-05-01',4,10,1);


update person p 
(   select personId,sum(sale) totSales, sum(commission) totComm 
    from sale 
    group by personId 
) xDerived 
on xDerived.personId=p.personId 
set p.totSales=xDerived.totSales,p.totComm=xDerived.totComm;


select * from person;
| personId | name  | totSales | totComm |
|        1 | Joe   |    70.00 |    7.00 |
|        2 | Sally |   110.00 |   11.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

xDerived 只是一个别名。所有派生表都需要一个别名,无论您是否明确使用别名。

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