iphone - NSForegroundColorAttributeName 在 Swift 中不起作用?

标签 iphone swift ios8

viewDidLoad 中,我有类似下面的内容来将文本属性添加到 UITextField:

let textAttributes = [
    NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.whiteColor(),
    NSStrokeColorAttributeName: UIColor.blackColor(),
    NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack", size: 40)!,
    NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: 1.0

self.textField.delegate = self
self.textField.defaultTextAttributes = textAttributes
self.textField.text = "Top text field"

除了 NSForegroundColorAttributeName 之外,所有这些属性似乎都可以正常工作。此文本显示透明。这是 Swift 的错误吗?

文本被放置在 UIScrollView 中的图像上。显示的文本:

Screen Shot


来自 Technical Q&A QA1531 :

This is because the sign of the value for NSStrokeWidthAttributeName is interpreted as a mode; it indicates whether the attributed string is to be filled, stroked, or both. Specifically, a zero value displays a fill only, while a positive value displays a stroke only. A negative value allows displaying both a fill and stroke.


NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: 1.0


NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: -1.0


如果您按住命令并单击,您也可以找到该信息 Xcode中的NSStrokeWidthAttributeName跳转定义:

NSNumber containing floating point value, in percent of font point size, default 0: no stroke; positive for stroke alone, negative for stroke and fill (a typical value for outlined text would be 3.0)

关于iphone - NSForegroundColorAttributeName 在 Swift 中不起作用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30955277/


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