mysql - 最常见的值

标签 mysql


我有一张 table ,上面放着一些书。这些是字段:

| book             | genre    | author             |
| The DaVinci code | thriller | Dan Brown          |
| Odd Thomas       | horror   | Dean Kunz          |
| Fairy Tales      | child    | The Grimm brothers |
| Inferno          | thriller | Dan Brown          |
| Digital Fortres  | sci-fi   | Dan Brown          |

我想让“Dan Brown”成为表中最多书籍的作者。你能帮我吗?谢谢


select author -- what you select
from table -- from where
group by author -- grouping on author so you can get count of entries for each author
order by count(*) desc -- order by the number of entries descending
limit 1 -- keep first row only

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