ios - 为什么必须将协议(protocol)运算符实现为全局函数?

标签 ios swift equatable

我已经看到了这个 Swift Equatable Protocol 的答案提到如何在全局范围内声明 == 方法的问题。

如果我不采用 Equatable,我仍然可以声明 == 来测试我的两个类型之间的相等性。

// extension Foo: Equatable {}

func ==(lhs: Foo, rhs: Foo) -> Bool {
    return ==

struct Foo {
    let bar:Int


Equatable 协议(protocol)不仅仅是语法糖,只是让(我们和)编译器安全地知道我们的类型实现了协议(protocol)所需的方法吗?




来自 Xcode 8 beta 4 发行说明:

Operators can be defined within types or extensions thereof. For example:

struct Foo: Equatable {
    let value: Int
    static func ==(lhs: Foo, rhs: Foo) -> Bool {
        return lhs.value == rhs.value

Such operators must be declared as static (or, within a class, class final), and have the same signature as their global counterparts. As part of this change, operator requirements declared in protocols must also be explicitly declared static:

protocol Equatable {
    static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool


This was discussed on the swift-evolution list recently (2016-01-31 through 2016-02-09 so far).以下是 Chris Lattner 所说的关于在结构或类范围内声明运算符的内容:

Yep, this is a generally desirable feature (at least for symmetric operators). This would also be great to get dynamic dispatch of operators within class declarations. I don’t think we have a firm proposal nailing down how name lookup works with this though.

后来(回复 Haravikk):

What are the name lookup issues? Do you mean cases where an operator for Foo == Foo exists in more than one location?

是的。名称查找必须具有明确定义的搜索顺序,这 定义阴影和无效的多重定义规则。

Personally I’d just stick with what we have now, i.e- treat operator implementations within a specific class/struct as being globally defined anyway and throw an error if the same signature is declared more than once.

我们需要多个模块来定义一个实例 运算符,我们需要扩展中的运算符,我们需要追溯 与任何其他成员一样遵守工作。

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