dictionary - 如何使用 Swift 访问通过 NSNotification 传递的字典

标签 dictionary notifications swift

我有发送通知的代码(其中 serialNumber 是一个字符串):

  var dataDict = Dictionary<String, String>()
  dataDict["Identity"] = serialNumber
  dataDict["Direction"] = "Add"
            NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("deviceActivity", object:self, userInfo:dataDict)


  func deviceActivity(notification: NSNotification) {

     // This method is invoked when the notification is sent
     // The problem is in how to access the Dictionary and pull out the entries


let dict = notification.userInfo
let dict: Dictionary<String, String> = notification.userInfo
let dict: Dictionary = notification.userInfo as Dictionary


let sn : String = dict["Identity"]!
let sn : String = dict.valueForKey("Identity") as String
let sn : String = dict.valueForKey("Identity")

所以问题是这样的:我如何编写 Swift 代码来提取通过通知传递的对象(在本例中为字典),并访问该对象的组成部分(在本例中为键和值) ?


由于 notification.userInfo 类型是 AnyObject,因此您必须将其向下转换为适当的字典类型。


// First try to cast user info to expected type
if let info = notification.userInfo as? Dictionary<String,String> {
  // Check if value present before using it
  if let s = info["Direction"] {
  else {
    print("no value for key\n")
else {
  print("wrong userInfo type")

关于dictionary - 如何使用 Swift 访问通过 NSNotification 传递的字典,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24892454/


用于连接字典的键和值的 Pythonic 语法

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