mysql - 地理空间应用 : mySql vs CouchDB vs others

标签 mysql node.js geolocation couchdb geospatial

我正在 google map 上开发一个应用程序,并检查各种选项来存储和检索边界框内的空间信息。

起初我认为 MySql 不是一个好的选择,但在查看 之后和 ,看起来我可以使用 MySql,它确实支持我的用例。

我也在用 geocouch 评估 node.js 和 couchdb。对于、geo 等模块,看起来这也是一个不错的选择。查看“GEO、CouchDB 和 Node.js 入门”一书。我的应用程序将是 1 页应用程序,我不预见将来是否需要 rdbms。

我也看到了这个 -这让我有点担心是否要使用 node.js-geocouch....

If the architecture for your next apps reads like the cookbook of NoSQL ingredients, please pause for a second and read this.

Yes, Redis, CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak, Casandra, etc. all look really tempting, but so did that red apple Eve couldn't resist. If you're already taking a technological risk with using node.js, you shouldn't multiply it with more technology you probably don't fully understand yet.

Sure, there are legitimate use cases for choosing a document oriented database. But if you are trying to build a business on top of your software, sticking to conservative database technology (like postgres or mysql) might just outweigh the benefits of satisfying your inner nerd and impressing your friends.



GeoCouch 听起来是个不错的解决方案。如果你想安装简单,可以看看Couchbase Single Server ,它基本上是一个包含 GeoCouch 的 CouchDB(查看 Developer Preview for 2.0

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