ios - 如何检查两个 NSDates 是否来自同一天

标签 ios swift nsdate


我正在从事 ios 开发,我发现很难检查两个 NSDates 是否来自同一天。我试着用这个

    // Check date
    let date = NSDate()
    // setup date formatter
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    // set current time zone
    dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()

    let latestDate = dataList[dataList.count-1].valueForKey("representDate") as! NSDate
    //let newDate = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)
    let diffDateComponent = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().components([NSCalendarUnit.Year, NSCalendarUnit.Month, NSCalendarUnit.Day], fromDate: latestDate, toDate: date, options: NSCalendarOptions.init(rawValue: 0))

但它只是检查两个 NSDates 是否有 24 小时的差异。我认为有一种方法可以让它工作,但我仍然希望在凌晨 2 点之前将 NSDate 值算作前一天,所以我在这里绝对需要一些帮助。谢谢!


NSCalendar 有一个方法可以完全满足您的实际需求!

    This API compares the Days of the given dates, reporting them equal if they are in the same Day.
- (BOOL)isDate:(NSDate *)date1 inSameDayAsDate:(NSDate *)date2 NS_AVAILABLE(10_9, 8_0);


[[NSCalendar currentCalendar] isDate:date1 inSameDayAsDate:date2];

或者在 Swift 中

Calendar.current.isDate(date1, inSameDayAs:date2)

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