mysql - 为什么auto_increment id不逐一递增,怎么设置?

标签 mysql primary-key mariadb

我有一个 MariaDB Galera 集群(3 个节点),我将 uid 设置为自动增加并作为表的主键

 `uid       | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment`. 

 MariaDB [hello_cluster]> select uid from table order by uid limit 10;
    | uid |
    |   3 |
    |   6 |
    |   9 |
    |  12 |
    |  15 |
    |  18 |
    |  21 |
    |  24 |
    |  27 |
    |  30 |


 alter table uid AUTO_INCREMENT=1


这是设计使然,并在 MariaDB Galera Cluster - Known Limitations 中报告:

Do not rely on auto-increment values to be sequential. Galera uses a mechanism based on autoincrement increment to produce unique non-conflicting sequences, so on every single node the sequence will have gaps.

理性在 Managing Auto Increments with Multi Masters 中解释。 , 这也是为什么观察到的自动增量与聚类数量步长相同的原因。

MySQL has system variables auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset for managing auto increment 'sequences' in multi master environment. Using these variables, it is possible to set up a multi master replication, where auto increment sequences in each master node interleave, and no conflicts should happen in the cluster. No matter which master(s) get the INSERTs.


关于mysql - 为什么auto_increment id不逐一递增,怎么设置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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