mysql - 无法在 Ubuntu 18.04 上安装 MySQL 8.0

标签 mysql ubuntu

在阅读了几篇文章并观看了有关该主题的大量视频后,我仍然无法成功安装 MySQL 8.0。首先,我认为问题可能与预先存在的 MySQL 安装有关。因此,我根据此处提供的信息清除了该安装:How Do I Uninstall MySQL Completely? .删除 MySQL 后,我尝试重新安装它。例如,我遵循此处提供的指导:How to Install MySQL 8.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver .我的安装在视频中 1:06 标记处出现以下语句后失败:

"Setting up mysql-community-server (8.0.11-1ubuntu18.04)..." (with one minor exception: mine reads "...(8.0.12-...")


update-alternatives: using /etc/mysql/mysql.cnf to provide /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.cnf) in auto mode

my_print_defaults: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

my_print_defaults: [ERROR] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted!

my_print_defaults: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

my_print_defaults: [ERROR] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted!

my_print_defaults: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

my_print_defaults: [ERROR] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted!

my_print_defaults: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

my_print_defaults: [ERROR] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted! mysqld: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

mysqld: [ERROR] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted!

dpkg: error processing package mysql-community-server (--configure): installed mysql-community-server package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server: mysql-server depends on mysql-community-server (= 8.0.12-1ubuntu18.04); however: Package mysql-community-server is not configured yet.


my_print_defaults: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)

我在别处读到,一个可能的问题是安装过程忽略了在 MySQL 数据库服务器配置文件中的“!include”指令末尾附加“mysqld.cnf”文件名。 (参见:Why Is /etc/mysql/my.cnf EMPTY?。)









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