c# - 为什么 .NET decimal.ToString(string) 从零舍入,显然与语言规范不一致?

标签 c# decimal tostring number-formatting rounding

我看到,在 C# 中,舍入 decimal , 默认情况下,使用 MidpointRounding.ToEven .这是预期的,也是 C# 规范的规定。但是,鉴于以下情况:

  • A decimal dVal
  • 格式string sFmt那,当传递给dVal.ToString(sFmt) , 将导致包含 dVal 的四舍五入版本的字符串

...很明显decimal.ToString(string)返回使用 MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero 四舍五入的值.这似乎与 C# 规范直接矛盾。


下面,作为引用,我包含了一些代码,用于控制各种舍入操作结果和 decimal.ToString(string)运算结果,每个值都在 decimal 数组中的每个值上值。实际输出是嵌入的。之后,我在 decimal 上包含了 C# 语言规范部分的相关段落。类型。


static void Main(string[] args)
    decimal[] dArr = new decimal[] { 12.345m, 12.355m };

    // Base values:
    // d[0] = 12.345
    // d[1] = 12.355

    // Rounding with default MidpointRounding:
    // Math.Round(12.345, 2) => 12.34
    // Math.Round(12.355, 2) => 12.36
    // decimal.Round(12.345, 2) => 12.34
    // decimal.Round(12.355, 2) => 12.36

    OutputRoundedValues(dArr, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
    // Rounding with mr = MidpointRounding.ToEven:
    // Math.Round(12.345, 2, mr) => 12.34
    // Math.Round(12.355, 2, mr) => 12.36
    // decimal.Round(12.345, 2, mr) => 12.34
    // decimal.Round(12.355, 2, mr) => 12.36

    OutputRoundedValues(dArr, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
    // Rounding with mr = MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero:
    // Math.Round(12.345, 2, mr) => 12.35
    // Math.Round(12.355, 2, mr) => 12.36
    // decimal.Round(12.345, 2, mr) => 12.35
    // decimal.Round(12.355, 2, mr) => 12.36

    OutputToStringFormatted(dArr, "N2");
    // decimal.ToString("N2"):
    // 12.345.ToString("N2") => 12.35
    // 12.355.ToString("N2") => 12.36

    OutputToStringFormatted(dArr, "F2");
    // decimal.ToString("F2"):
    // 12.345.ToString("F2") => 12.35
    // 12.355.ToString("F2") => 12.36

    OutputToStringFormatted(dArr, "###.##");
    // decimal.ToString("###.##"):
    // 12.345.ToString("###.##") => 12.35
    // 12.355.ToString("###.##") => 12.36


private static void OutputBaseValues(decimal[] dArr)
    Console.WriteLine("Base values:");
    for (int i = 0; i < dArr.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine("d[{0}] = {1}", i, dArr[i]);

private static void OutputRoundedValues(decimal[] dArr)
    Console.WriteLine("Rounding with default MidpointRounding:");
    foreach (decimal d in dArr) Console.WriteLine("Math.Round({0}, 2) => {1}", d, Math.Round(d, 2));
    foreach (decimal d in dArr) Console.WriteLine("decimal.Round({0}, 2) => {1}", d, decimal.Round(d, 2));

private static void OutputRoundedValues(decimal[] dArr, MidpointRounding mr)
    Console.WriteLine("Rounding with mr = MidpointRounding.{0}:", mr);
    foreach (decimal d in dArr) Console.WriteLine("Math.Round({0}, 2, mr) => {1}", d, Math.Round(d, 2, mr));
    foreach (decimal d in dArr) Console.WriteLine("decimal.Round({0}, 2, mr) => {1}", d, decimal.Round(d, 2, mr));

private static void OutputToStringFormatted(decimal[] dArr, string format)
    Console.WriteLine("decimal.ToString(\"{0}\"):", format);
    foreach (decimal d in dArr) Console.WriteLine("{0}.ToString(\"{1}\") => {2}", d, format, d.ToString(format));

C# 语言规范第 4.1.7 节的段落(“十进制类型”)(获取完整规范 here (.doc)):

The result of an operation on values of type decimal is that which would result from calculating an exact result (preserving scale, as defined for each operator) and then rounding to fit the representation. Results are rounded to the nearest representable value, and, when a result is equally close to two representable values, to the value that has an even number in the least significant digit position (this is known as “banker’s rounding”). A zero result always has a sign of 0 and a scale of 0.

很容易看出他们可能没有考虑过 ToString(string)在本段中,但我倾向于认为它符合此描述。




The result of an operation on values of type decimal is that which would result from calculating an exact result (preserving scale, as defined for each operator) and then rounding to fit the representation. Results are rounded to the nearest representable value, and, when a result is equally close to two representable values, to the value that has an even number in the least significant digit position (this is known as “banker’s rounding”). A zero result always has a sign of 0 and a scale of 0.



Decimal d1 = 0.00000000000000000000000000090m;
Decimal d2 = 0.00000000000000000000000000110m;

// Prints: 0.0000000000000000000000000004 (rounds down)
Console.WriteLine(d1 / 2);

// Prints: 0.0000000000000000000000000006 (rounds up)
Console.WriteLine(d2 / 2);

这就是规范所讨论的全部内容。如果某些计算的结果会超过 decimal 类型(29 位)的精度限制,则使用银行四舍五入法来确定结果。

关于c# - 为什么 .NET decimal.ToString(string) 从零舍入,显然与语言规范不一致?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2249279/


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