c# - .Net 与 GraphicsPath.Widen() 相反

标签 c# open-source graphicspath

我需要与 .Net 中的 GraphicsPath.Widen() 方法相反的方法:

public GraphicsPath Widen()

Widen() 方法不接受负参数,因此我需要等效于 Inset 方法:

public GraphicsPath Inset()

您可以在开源 Inkscape 应用程序 (www.Inkscape.org) 中执行此操作,方法是转到菜单并选择“路径/插入”(插入量存储在 Inkscape 属性对话框中)。由于 Inkscape 是开源的,所以应该可以在 C#.Net 中执行此操作,但我无法终生遵循 Inkscape C++ 源代码(而且我只需要这个功能,所以我不能证明学习 C++ 是合理的)来完成这个)。

基本上,我需要一个带有此签名的 GraphicsPath 扩展方法:

public static GraphicsPath Inset(this GraphicsPath original, float amount)

如签名所述,它将采用 GraphicsPath 对象和 .Inset() 路径传递的数量……就像 Inkscape 今天所做的那样。如果它简化了任何事情,所讨论的 GraphicsPaths 都是从 .PolyBezier 方法(而不是其他任何东西)创建的,因此除非您想要,否则无需考虑矩形、椭圆或任何其他形状这样做是为了完整性。

不幸的是,我没有使用 C++ 代码的经验,所以我几乎不可能遵循 Inkscape 中包含的 C++ 逻辑。


[编辑:] 根据要求,这是“MakeOffset”Inkscape 代码。 Inset 的第二个参数 (double dec) 将为负数,该参数的绝对值是引入形状的量。

我知道这里有很多依赖。如果您需要查看更多 Inkscape 源文件,请在此处查看:http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape/files/inkscape/0.48/

Shape::MakeOffset (Shape * a, double dec, JoinType join, double miter, bool do_profile, double cx, double cy, double radius, Geom::Matrix *i2doc)
  Reset (0, 0);

    bool done_something = false;

  if (dec == 0)
    _pts = a->_pts;
    if (numberOfPoints() > maxPt)
      maxPt = numberOfPoints();
      if (_has_points_data) {
        _point_data_initialised = false;
        _bbox_up_to_date = false;

    _aretes = a->_aretes;
    if (numberOfEdges() > maxAr)
      maxAr = numberOfEdges();
      if (_has_edges_data)
      if (_has_sweep_src_data)
      if (_has_sweep_dest_data)
      if (_has_raster_data)
      if (_has_back_data)
    return 0;
  if (a->numberOfPoints() <= 1 || a->numberOfEdges() <= 1 || a->type != shape_polygon)
    return shape_input_err;

  a->SortEdges ();

  a->MakeSweepDestData (true);
  a->MakeSweepSrcData (true);

  for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
    //              int    stP=a->swsData[i].stPt/*,enP=a->swsData[i].enPt*/;
    int stB = -1, enB = -1;
    if (dec > 0)
      stB = a->CycleNextAt (a->getEdge(i).st, i);
      enB = a->CyclePrevAt (a->getEdge(i).en, i);
      stB = a->CyclePrevAt (a->getEdge(i).st, i);
      enB = a->CycleNextAt (a->getEdge(i).en, i);

    Geom::Point stD, seD, enD;
    double stL, seL, enL;
    stD = a->getEdge(stB).dx;
    seD = a->getEdge(i).dx;
    enD = a->getEdge(enB).dx;

    stL = sqrt (dot(stD,stD));
    seL = sqrt (dot(seD,seD));
    enL = sqrt (dot(enD,enD));
    MiscNormalize (stD);
    MiscNormalize (enD);
    MiscNormalize (seD);

    Geom::Point ptP;
    int stNo, enNo;
    ptP = a->getPoint(a->getEdge(i).st).x;

        double this_dec;
        if (do_profile && i2doc) {
            double alpha = 1;
            double x = (Geom::L2(ptP * (*i2doc) - Geom::Point(cx,cy))/radius);
            if (x > 1) {
                this_dec = 0;
            } else if (x <= 0) {
                this_dec = dec;
            } else {
                this_dec = dec * (0.5 * cos (M_PI * (pow(x, alpha))) + 0.5);
        } else {
            this_dec = dec;

        if (this_dec != 0)
            done_something = true;

    int   usePathID=-1;
    int   usePieceID=0;
    double useT=0.0;
    if ( a->_has_back_data ) {
      if ( a->ebData[i].pathID >= 0 && a->ebData[stB].pathID == a->ebData[i].pathID && a->ebData[stB].pieceID == a->ebData[i].pieceID
           && a->ebData[stB].tEn == a->ebData[i].tSt ) {
      } else {
    if (dec > 0)
      Path::DoRightJoin (this, this_dec, join, ptP, stD, seD, miter, stL, seL,
                         stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
      a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
      a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;
      Path::DoLeftJoin (this, -this_dec, join, ptP, stD, seD, miter, stL, seL,
                        stNo, enNo,usePathID,usePieceID,useT);
      a->swsData[i].stPt = enNo;
      a->swsData[stB].enPt = stNo;

  if (dec < 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges(); i++)
      Inverse (i);

  if ( _has_back_data ) {
    for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
      int nEd=AddEdge (a->swsData[i].stPt, a->swsData[i].enPt);
  } else {
    for (int i = 0; i < a->numberOfEdges(); i++)
      AddEdge (a->swsData[i].stPt, a->swsData[i].enPt);

  a->MakeSweepSrcData (false);
  a->MakeSweepDestData (false);

  return (done_something? 0 : shape_nothing_to_do);



@Simon Mourier - 了不起的工作。代码甚至干净可读!干得好,先生。不过,我确实有几个问题要问你。

首先,Amount 的正数代表什么?我在想,对于 Offset 方法,正数是“开始”,负数是“插入”,但你的例子似乎恰恰相反。


这是当偏移量增加时 cool 中的“l”会发生什么(对于这样一个简单的字母,它肯定会引起问题!)。

Simon Test 2


    private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

            path.AddString("cool", new FontFamily("Arial"), 0, 200, new PointF(), StringFormat.GenericDefault);

            GraphicsPath offset1 = path.Offset(32);

            e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), path);
            e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Red, 1), offset1);

最后,有点不同。这是 Wingdings 中的“S”字符(看起来像一滴泪珠):

Tear Drop


    private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
        GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
        path.AddString("S", new FontFamily("Wingdings"), 0, 200, new PointF(), StringFormat.GenericDefault);
        GraphicsPath offset1 = path.Offset(20);

        e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), path);
        e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Red, 1), offset1);


我认为解决这个问题的方法是查看插入向量何时相交,并停止插入超过该点。如果 Inset 量太大(或路径太小)以至于什么都没有,则路径应该消失(变为空),而不是自行反转并重新扩展。


(PS - 我添加了“this”关键字以使其成为扩展方法,因此您可能需要使用方法(参数)符号调用代码才能运行这些示例)


@RAN Ran 通过重新使用 GraphicsPath native 方法得出了类似的输出。伙计,这很难。他们俩都很亲密。

这是两个示例的屏幕截图,使用的是 Wingdings 中的字符“S”:

Tear drop comparison

@Simon 在左边,@Ran 在右边。

这是在 Inkscape 中执行“插入”后的相同泪滴“S”字符。插图很干净:

Tear Inkscape

顺便说一下,这是@Ran 测试的代码:

    private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
        GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
        path.AddString("S", new FontFamily("Wingdings"), 0, 200, new PointF(), StringFormat.GenericDefault);
        e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), path);

        GraphicsPath offset1 = path.Shrink(20);
        e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Red, 1), offset1);




alt text


  1. 我使用 GraphicsPath.Widen 生成给定图形的“内部”和“外部”边缘。

  2. 我扫描了生成的 GraphicsPath 的点,以移除外边缘并仅保留内边缘。

  3. 我使用 GraphicsPath.Flatten 将内边缘展平,这样图形就只包含线段(没有曲线)。

  4. 然后我扫描了内部路径上的所有点,并且对于每个当前段:

    4.1。如果当前点 p 在原始路径之外,或者太靠近原始路径上的某个线段,我会在当前边上计算一个新点,该点与原始路径,我用这个点代替 p,并将它连接到我已经扫描过的部分。

    4.2。解决方案中的当前限制:我从计算点继续,向前扫描。这意味着不能很好地支持带孔的形状(例如 Arial“o”)。要解决此问题,必须维护一个“断开连接”图形的列表,并重新连接在同一点结束(或彼此“足够接近”的末端)的图形。



  1. GraphicsPath.Widen 似乎无法生成干净的形状。我得到的内部图形有小的(但大部分是看不见的)“锯齿状”。这样做的意义在于 A) 我的剔除算法会产生更多噪声,B) 图中有更多点,因此性能会下降。

  2. 目前的表现勉强可以接受,如果有的话。我的解决方案目前以一种非常简单的方式(在 O(n^n) 中)进行扫描,以找到“太靠近”内边缘候选点的线段。这导致算法非常慢。它可以通过维护一些数据结构来改进,其中段按x排序,从而大大减少距离计算的次数。

  3. 我没有费心去优化代码以使用 structs 并且还有很多其他地方可以优化代码以使其更快。

  4. 不支持带孔的形状,其中内部图形必须“拆分”为多个图形(如 Arial“o”)。我知道如何实现它,但它需要更多时间:)

  5. 我会考虑采用 Simon 移动现有点以获得内部图形的方法,以及我清理该路径的方法。 (但由于 Simon 解决方案中的一个错误,我此时不能这样做,例如,导致撕裂符号的尖端移动到形状内的有效位置。我的算法认为这个位置是有效的并且不会清理它)。


我无法避免想出一些我自己的数学/几何实用程序。 所以这是代码...


public class LineSegment
    private readonly LineEquation line;
    private RectangleF bindingRectangle;

    public PointF A { get; private set; }
    public PointF B { get; private set; }

    public LineSegment(PointF a, PointF b)
        A = a;
        B = b;

        line = new LineEquation(a, b);
        bindingRectangle = new RectangleF(
            Math.Min(a.X, b.X), Math.Min(a.Y, b.Y), 
            Math.Abs(a.X - b.X), Math.Abs(a.Y - b.Y));

    public PointF? Intersect(LineSegment other)
        var p = line.Intersect(other.line);
        if (p == null) return null;

        if (bindingRectangle.Contains(p.Value) &&
            return p;
        return null;

    public float Distance(PointF p)
        if (LineEquation.IsBetween(line.GetNormalAt(A), p, line.GetNormalAt(B)))
            return line.Distance(p);
        return Math.Min(Distance(A, p), Distance(B, p));


    static float Distance(PointF p1, PointF p2)
        var x = p1.X - p2.X;
        var y = p1.Y - p2.Y;
        return (float) Math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y);

    public PointF? IntersectAtDistance(LineSegment segmentToCut, float width)
        // always assuming other.A is the farthest end
        var distance = width* (line.IsAboveOrRightOf(segmentToCut.A) ? 1 : -1);
        var parallelLine = line.GetParallelLine(distance);

        var p = parallelLine.Intersect(segmentToCut.line);
        if (p.HasValue)
            if (LineEquation.IsBetween(line.GetNormalAt(A), p.Value, line.GetNormalAt(B)) &&
                return p;

        List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
        points.AddRange(segmentToCut.line.Intersect(new CircleEquation(width, A)));
        points.AddRange(segmentToCut.line.Intersect(new CircleEquation(width, B)));

        return GetNearestPoint(segmentToCut.A, points);

    public static PointF GetNearestPoint(PointF p, IEnumerable<PointF> points)
        float minDistance = float.MaxValue;
        PointF nearestPoint = p;
        foreach (var point in points)
            var d = Distance(p, point);
            if (d < minDistance)
                minDistance = d;
                nearestPoint = point;
        return nearestPoint;

public class LineEquation
    private readonly float a;
    private readonly float b;

    private readonly bool isVertical;
    private readonly float xConstForVertical;

    public LineEquation(float a, float b)
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        isVertical = false;

    public LineEquation(float xConstant)
        isVertical = true;
        xConstForVertical = xConstant;

    public LineEquation(float a, PointF p)
        this.a = a;
        b = p.Y - a*p.X;
        isVertical = false;

    public LineEquation(PointF p1, PointF p2)
        if (p1.X == p2.X)
            isVertical = true;
            xConstForVertical = p1.X;

        a = (p1.Y - p2.Y)/(p1.X - p2.X);
        b = p1.Y - a * p1.X;
        isVertical = false;

    public PointF? Intersect(float x)
        if (isVertical)
            return null;
        return new PointF(x, a*x + b);

    public PointF? Intersect(LineEquation other)
        if (isVertical && other.isVertical) return null;
        if (a == other.a) return null;

        if (isVertical) return other.Intersect(xConstForVertical);
        if (other.isVertical) return Intersect(other.xConstForVertical);

        // both have slopes and are not parallel
        var x = (b - other.b) / (other.a - a);
        return Intersect(x);

    public float Distance(PointF p)
        if (isVertical)
            return Math.Abs(p.X - xConstForVertical);
        var p1 = Intersect(0).Value;
        var p2 = Intersect(100).Value;

        var x1 = p.X - p1.X;
        var y1 = p.Y - p1.Y;
        var x2 = p2.X - p1.X;
        var y2 = p2.Y - p1.Y;

        return (float) (Math.Abs(x1*y2 - x2*y1) / Math.Sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2));

    public bool IsAboveOrRightOf(PointF p)
        return isVertical ? 
            xConstForVertical > p.X : 
            a*p.X + b > p.Y;

    public static bool IsBetween(LineEquation l1, PointF p, LineEquation l2)
        return l1.IsAboveOrRightOf(p) ^ l2.IsAboveOrRightOf(p);

    public LineEquation GetParallelLine(float distance)
        if (isVertical) return new LineEquation(xConstForVertical + distance);

        var angle = Math.Atan(a);
        float dy = (float) (distance/Math.Sin(angle));
        return new LineEquation(a, b - dy);

    public LineEquation GetNormalAt(PointF p)
        if (isVertical) return new LineEquation(p.X);

        var newA = -1/a;
        var newB = (a + 1/a)*p.X + b;
        return new LineEquation(newA, newB);

    public PointF[] Intersect(CircleEquation circle)
        var cx = circle.Center.X;
        var cy = circle.Center.Y;
        var r = circle.Radius;

        if (isVertical)
            var distance = Math.Abs(cx - xConstForVertical);
            if (distance > r) return new PointF[0];
            if (distance == r) return new[] {new PointF(xConstForVertical, cy) };

            // two intersections
            var dx = cx - xConstForVertical;

            var qe = new QuadraticEquation(
                -2 * cy,
                r * r - dx * dx);

            return qe.Solve();

        var t = b - cy;
        var q = new QuadraticEquation(
            1 + a*a,
            2*a*t - 2*cx,
            cx*cx + t*t - r*r);

        var solutions = q.Solve();
        for (var i = 0; i < solutions.Length; i++) 
           solutions[i] = Intersect(solutions[i].X).Value;
        return solutions;

public class CircleEquation
    public float Radius { get; private set; }
    public PointF Center { get; private set; }

    public CircleEquation(float radius, PointF center)
        Radius = radius;
        Center = center;

public class QuadraticEquation
    public float A { get; private set; }
    public float B { get; private set; }
    public float C { get; private set; }

    public QuadraticEquation(float a, float b, float c)
        A = a;
        B = b;
        C = c;

    public PointF Intersect(float x)
        return new PointF(x, A*x*x + B*x + C);
    public PointF[] Solve()
        var d = B*B - 4*A*C;
        if (d < 0) return new PointF[0];
        if (d == 0)
            var x = -B / (2*A);
            return new[] { Intersect(x) };

        var sd = Math.Sqrt(d);
        var x1 = (float) ((-B - sd) / (2f*A));
        var x2 = (float) ((-B + sd) / (2*A));
        return new[] { Intersect(x1), Intersect(x2) };

public static class GraphicsPathExtension
    public static GraphicsPath Shrink(this GraphicsPath originalPath, float width)
        var parts = originalPath.SplitFigures();
        var shrunkPaths = new List<GraphicsPath>();

        foreach (var part in parts)
            using (var widePath = new GraphicsPath(part.PathPoints, part.PathTypes))
                // widen the figure
                widePath.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, width * 2));

                // pick the inner edge
                var innerEdge = widePath.SplitFigures()[1];
                var fixedPath = CleanPath(innerEdge, part, width);
                if (fixedPath.PointCount > 0)

        // build the result
        foreach (var p in shrunkPaths)
            originalPath.AddPath(p, false);
        return originalPath;

    public static IList<GraphicsPath> SplitFigures(this GraphicsPath path)
        var paths = new List<GraphicsPath>();
        var position = 0;
        while (position < path.PointCount)
            var figureCount = CountNextFigure(path.PathData, position);

            var points = new PointF[figureCount];
            var types = new byte[figureCount];

            Array.Copy(path.PathPoints, position, points, 0, figureCount);
            Array.Copy(path.PathTypes, position, types, 0, figureCount);
            position += figureCount;

            paths.Add(new GraphicsPath(points, types));
        return paths;

    static int CountNextFigure(PathData data, int position)
        var count = 0;
        for (var i = position; i < data.Types.Length; i++)
            if (0 != (data.Types[i] & (int)PathPointType.CloseSubpath))
                return count;
        return count;

    static GraphicsPath CleanPath(GraphicsPath innerPath, GraphicsPath originalPath, float width)
        var points = new List<PointF>();
        Region originalRegion = new Region(originalPath);

        // find first valid point
        int firstValidPoint = 0;
        IEnumerable<LineSegment> segs;

        while (IsPointTooClose(
                   originalPath, originalRegion, width, out segs))
            if (firstValidPoint == innerPath.PointCount) return new GraphicsPath();

        var prevP = innerPath.PathPoints[firstValidPoint];

        for (int i = 1; i < innerPath.PointCount; i++)
            var p = innerPath.PathPoints[(firstValidPoint + i) % innerPath.PointCount];

            if (!IsPointTooClose(p, originalPath, originalRegion, width, out segs))
                prevP = p;

            var invalidSegment = new LineSegment(prevP, p);

            // found invalid point (too close or external to original figure)
            IEnumerable<PointF> cutPoints = 
                segs.Select(seg => seg.IntersectAtDistance(invalidSegment, width).Value);
            var cutPoint = LineSegment.GetNearestPoint(prevP, cutPoints);

            // now add the cutPoint instead of 'p'.
            prevP = cutPoint;

        var types = new List<byte>();
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)

        return points.Count == 0 ?
            new GraphicsPath() :
            new GraphicsPath(points.ToArray(), types.ToArray());

    static bool IsPointTooClose(
        PointF p, GraphicsPath path, Region region, 
        float distance, out IEnumerable<LineSegment> breakingSegments)
        if (!region.IsVisible(p))
            breakingSegments = new LineSegment[0];
            return true;

        var segs = new List<LineSegment>();
        foreach (var seg in GetSegments(path))
            if (seg.Distance(p) < distance)
        breakingSegments = segs;
        return segs.Count > 0;

    static public IEnumerable<LineSegment> GetSegments(GraphicsPath path)
        for (var i = 0; i < path.PointCount; i++)
            yield return 
                new LineSegment(path.PathPoints[i], path.PathPoints[(i + 1) % path.PointCount]);

关于c# - .Net 与 GraphicsPath.Widen() 相反,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4552008/


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