c# - 如何获取 CallerMember 的类型名称

标签 c#


public class fooBase
    public List<MethodsWithCustAttribute> MethodsList;
    public bool fooMethod([CallerMemberName]string membername =""))
        //This returns a value depending of type and method 
    public void GetMethods()
        // Here populate MethodsList using reflection


// This attribute get from a database some things, then fooMethod check this attribute members 
public class CustomAttribute
    public string fullMethodPath;
    public bool someThing ; 
    public bool CustomAttribute([CallerMemberName]string membername ="")
        fullMethodPath = **DerivedType** + membername 
        //  I need here to get the type of membername parent. 
        //  Here I want to get CustClass, not fooBase



public class CustClass : fooBase
     public string method1()
         if (fooMethod())

我需要 CallerMember 的类型名称,是否有类似 [CallerMemberName] 的东西来获取调用者的类所有者的类型?


这并非万无一失,但 .NET 的惯例是每个文件有一个类型,并将文件命名为与该类型相同的名称。我们的工具也倾向于强制执行此约定,即 Resharper 和 Visual Studio。


public class MyClass
  public void MyMethod([CallerFilePath]string callerFilePath = null, [CallerMemberName]string callerMemberName = null)
    var callerTypeName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(callerFilePath);

关于c# - 如何获取 CallerMember 的类型名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17893827/


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