c# - 在 C# 中实现模式匹配

标签 c# pattern-matching

在 Scala 中,您可以使用模式匹配来根据输入的类型生成结果。例如:

val title = content match {
    case blogPost: BlogPost => blogPost.blog.title + ": " + blogPost.title
    case blog: Blog => blog.title

在 C# 中,我希望能够编写:

var title = Visit(content,
    (BlogPost blogPost) => blogPost.Blog.Title + ": " + blogPost.Title,
    (Blog blog) => blog.Title

这可能吗?当我尝试将其作为单一方法编写时,我不知道如何指定泛型。以下实现似乎是正确的,除了让类型检查器允许函数接受 T 的子类型:

    public TResult Visit<T, TResult>(T value, params Func<T, TResult>[] visitors)
        foreach (var visitor in visitors)
            if (visitor.Method.GetGenericArguments()[0].IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()))
                return visitor(value);
        throw new ApplicationException("No match");


    public class Visitor<T, TResult>
        private class Result
            public bool HasResult;
            public TResult ResultValue;

        private readonly IList<Func<T, Result>> m_Visitors = new List<Func<T, Result>>();

        public TResult Visit(T value)
            foreach (var visitor in m_Visitors)
                var result = visitor(value);
                if (result.HasResult)
                    return result.ResultValue;
            throw new ApplicationException("No match");

        public Visitor<T, TResult> Add<TIn>(Func<TIn, TResult> visitor) where TIn : T
            m_Visitors.Add(value =>
                if (value is TIn)
                    return new Result { HasResult = true, ResultValue = visitor((TIn)value) };
                return new Result { HasResult = false };
            return this;


var title = new Visitor<IContent, string>()
    .Add((BlogPost blogPost) => blogPost.Blog.Title + ": " + blogPost.Title)
    .Add((Blog blog) => blog.Title)



模式匹配是 F# 等函数式编程语言中常见的可爱功能之一。 codeplex 中正在进行一个名为 Functional C# 的伟大项目. 考虑以下 F# 代码:

let operator x = match x with
                 | ExpressionType.Add -> "+"

let rec toString exp = match exp with
                       | LambdaExpression(args, body) -> toString(body)
                       | ParameterExpression(name) -> name
                       | BinaryExpression(op,l,r) -> sprintf "%s %s %s" (toString l) (operator op) (toString r)

使用 Functional C# 库,C# 等效项为:

var Op = new Dictionary<ExpressionType, string> { { ExpressionType.Add, "+" } };

Expression<Func<int,int,int>> add = (x,y) => x + y;

Func<Expression, string> toString = null;
 toString = exp =>
    .With<LambdaExpression>(l => toString(l.Body))
    .With<ParameterExpression>(p => p.Name)
    .With<BinaryExpression>(b => String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", toString(b.Left), Op[b.NodeType], toString(b.Right)))

关于c# - 在 C# 中实现模式匹配,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6031555/


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