php - 如何将原始 SQL 查询转换为 Silverstripe SQLQuery 抽象层

标签 php mysql sql join silverstripe

我有一个页面,我正在尝试从数据库中提取与该页面相关的文章。我有一个 SQL 查询来提取我需要的内容,但我不断收到错误“‘where 子句’中的未知列‘时尚’”。我相信我需要将其转换为,

$FilteredStories =  DB::query(' SELECT C.ID, C.URLSegment, C.Title, B.Title AS "Category"
                                FROM `articlepage_categories` AS A
                                JOIN articlecategory AS B ON A.ArticleCategoryID = B.ID
                                JOIN sitetree AS C ON A.ArticlePageID = C.ID
                                WHERE B.Title = "Fashion" LIMIT 5')

进入 SQLQuery 抽象层,但我不知道如何。有人可以告诉我如何创建具有多个连接的 SQLQuery 抽象层吗?


  • 我使用的是 Silverstripe 版本 3.6.1
  • “时尚”目前是硬编码的,但将被替换为 我将传入的变量。


SilverStripe的数据库默认使用ANSI sql_mode,其中字符串文字需要用单引号括起来。您需要将 "Fashion" 周围的双引号替换为单引号,如下所示:

$FilteredStories =  DB::query('SELECT C.ID, C.URLSegment, C.Title, B.Title AS "Category"
                            FROM `articlepage_categories` AS A
                            JOIN articlecategory AS B ON A.ArticleCategoryID = B.ID
                            JOIN sitetree AS C ON A.ArticlePageID = C.ID
                            WHERE B.Title = \'Fashion\' LIMIT 5')


您的查询将用 SQLSelect 表示,如下所示:

$filteredStories = SQLSelect::create();
$filteredStories->selectField('"sitetree"."ID", "sitetree"."URLSegment", "sitetree"."Title", "articlecategory"."Title" AS "Category"');
$filteredStories->addLeftJoin('articlecategory', '"articlecategory"."ID" = "articlepage_categories"."ArticleCategoryID"');
$filteredStories->addLeftJoin('sitetree','"sitetree"."ID" = "articlepage_categories"."ArticlePageID"');
$filteredStories->addWhere('"articlecategory"."Title" = \'Fashion\'');

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