
标签 sql mysql


PersonID  |  CompanyID

   1             1
   2             1
   2             2
   3             2
   4             2

假设公司 1 =“Google”,公司 2 =“Microsoft”,我想知道查询会得到以下结果:

PersonID  |  Microsoft    |    Google

   1             0                1
   2             1                1
   3             1                0
   4             1                0


select PersonID,
case when CompanyID=1 then 1 else 0
end as Google,
case when EmpresaID=2 then 1 else 0
end as Microsoft
from Persons_Companies


什么是 SQL 查询?


select PersonID,
case when EXISTS (
   SELECT 1 
   FROM Persons_Companies pc1 
   WHERE pc.PersonID = pc1.PersonID and pc1.CompanyID = 1 ) then 1 else 0
end as Google,
case when EXISTS (
   SELECT 1 
   FROM Persons_Companies pc2
   WHERE pc.PersonID = pc2.PersonID and pc2.CompanyID = 2 ) then 1 else 0
end as Microsoft
from Persons_Companies pc

关于SQL简单查询,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2493285/


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