php - 从数据库中获取记录时的动态行跨度

标签 php mysql

Ename   Sal      
tom     100
tom     200
bill    100
bill    250
bill    450
bill    400

这是给出上述输出的查询和 html 结构。

$sql = "select * from emp ";
$result= mysql_query($sql);
  <tr >
    <td rowspan=""  ><?php echo $row['ename']; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $row['esal']?></td>
  <? }?>


Ename   Sal      
tom     100
bill    100


抱歉我的英语不好: 在这里我已经回答了这个问题How to show data from database with dynamic rowspan .让我再次尝试回答这个问题。首先让我们处理 mysql 查询。

MySql 工作:

在 mysql 查询中,您没有查询 order by。因为在现实生活中,你不能指望tom记录之后,bills记录都会存在。例如进行以下插入。

INSERT INTO test_work(ename, sal) 
               VALUES("tom",  100), 
                     ("bill", 450), 
                     ("bill", 100), 
                     ("tom",  200),
                     ("bill", 250),
                     ("bill", 400),
                     ("James", 50);
SELECT * FROM test_work;


| ename | sal  |
| tom   |  100 |
| bill  |  450 |
| bill  |  100 |
| tom   |  200 |
| bill  |  250 |
| bill  |  400 |
| James |   50 |

因此您的 mysql 查询应该按名称排序。这里也应该订购每个人的sal。所以我们的查询:

SELECT * FROM emp ORDER BY ename, sal;


  1. 我们可以将整个任务分为 3 个部分。
    1. Mysql 数据获取和存储在数组中。
    2. 计算行跨度
    3. 打印

MySql 数据获取:

在从 mysql 服务器获取数据期间,我们应该始终尝试使用 mysql_fetch_assoc 函数而不是 mysql_fetch_array 。因为 mysql_fetch_assoc 将只返回 ename 和 sal。但是 mysql_fetch_array 将返回索引为 ename、sal、0、1 的数组。

    # connect to mysql server
    # and select the database, on which
    # we will work.
    $conn = mysql_connect('', 'root', '');
    $db   = mysql_select_db('test');

    # Query the data from database.
    $query  = 'SELECT * FROM test_work ORDER BY ename, sal';
    $result = mysql_query($query);

    # Intialize the array, which will 
    # store the fetched data.
    $sal = array();
    $emp = array();

    # Loop over all the fetched data, and save the
    # data in array.
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        array_push($emp, $row['ename']);
        array_push($sal, $row['sal']);


    # Intialize the array, which will store the 
    # rowspan for the user.
    $arr = array();

    # loop over all the sal array
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sal); $i++) {
        $empName = $emp[$i];

        # If there is no array for the employee
        # then create a elemnt.
        if (!isset($arr[$empName])) {
            $arr[$empName] = array();
            $arr[$empName]['rowspan'] = 0;

        $arr[$empName]['printed'] = "no";

        # Increment the row span value.
        $arr[$empName]['rowspan'] += 1;

当您打印 arr 数组时,输出将是:

    [bill] => Array
            [rowspan] => 4
            [printed] => no

    [James] => Array
            [rowspan] => 1
            [printed] => no

    [tom] => Array
            [rowspan] => 2
            [printed] => no


使用 rowspan 打印:

    echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>

    for($i=0; $i < sizeof($sal); $i++) {
        $empName = $emp[$i];
        echo "<tr>";

        # If this row is not printed then print.
        # and make the printed value to "yes", so that
        # next time it will not printed.
        if ($arr[$empName]['printed'] == 'no') {
            echo "<td rowspan='".$arr[$empName]['rowspan']."'>".$empName."</td>";
            $arr[$empName]['printed'] = 'yes';
        echo "<td>".$sal[$i]."</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";



<!DOCTYPE html>
            table tr td, table tr th{
                border: black 1px solid;
                padding: 5px;
        # connect to mysql server
        # and select the database, on which
        # we will work.
        $conn = mysql_connect('', 'root', '');
        $db   = mysql_select_db('test');

        # Query the data from database.
        $query  = 'SELECT * FROM test_work ORDER BY ename, sal';
        $result = mysql_query($query);

        # $arr is array which will be help ful during 
        # printing
        $arr = array();

        # Intialize the array, which will 
        # store the fetched data.
        $sal = array();
        $emp = array();

        #     data saving and rowspan calculation        #

        # Loop over all the fetched data, and save the
        # data.
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            array_push($emp, $row['ename']);
            array_push($sal, $row['sal']);

            if (!isset($arr[$row['ename']])) {
                $arr[$row['ename']]['rowspan'] = 0;
            $arr[$row['ename']]['printed'] = 'no';
            $arr[$row['ename']]['rowspan'] += 1;

        #        DATA PRINTING             #
        echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>

        for($i=0; $i < sizeof($sal); $i++) {
            $empName = $emp[$i];
            echo "<tr>";

            # If this row is not printed then print.
            # and make the printed value to "yes", so that
            # next time it will not printed.
            if ($arr[$empName]['printed'] == 'no') {
                echo "<td rowspan='".$arr[$empName]['rowspan']."'>".$empName."</td>";
                $arr[$empName]['printed'] = 'yes';
            echo "<td>".$sal[$i]."</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";


a busy cat

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