
标签 php mysql loops



       //Generates a random five digit alphanumerical id
       $aliasId = $model->random_id_gen('5');

       //calls the active record class for table Person                     
       $person = new Person();

       //searches the person table to see if this alias is being used         
       $search = $person->find('alias=:alias', array(':alias'=>$aliasId));

       //if null then it sets an attribute for a another active record class                     
       if ($search==NULL)
               $model->setAttribute('alias', $aliasId);
       //I need to loop through the above code until I find an alias that isn't being used                            


我在 else 语句中写了什么来运行上面的代码,直到我找到一个没有在 Person 表中使用的别名。我的猜测是某种循环,但我不确定该怎么做。随意按照你喜欢的方式重新工作。把它作为自己的功能/告诉我我做错了,我不会被冒犯。谢谢!


$found = false;
$iter = 0;        // It's a good idea to include an upper bound on the number of iterations
while(!$found && $iter < 1000){
   $aliasId = $model->random_id_gen('5');

   //calls the active record class for table Person                     
   $person = new Person();

   //searches the person table to see if this alias is being used         
   $search = $person->find('alias=:alias', array(':alias'=>$aliasId));

   //if null then it sets an attribute for a another active record class                     
   if (is_null($search)){
       $model->setAttribute('alias', $aliasId);
       $found = true;

if(!$found){ /* Some error condition because a suitable ID could not be found*/ }

但是,如果不必随机生成别名 ID,则使用自动递增的值可能是更好的主意。

将数字与 base36 相互转换你可以使用 PHP 的 base_convert功能:

$a = base_convert(12345,10,36);
$b = base_convert($a,36,10);
print "12345 --> ".$a."  --> ".$b;


12345 --> 9ix  --> 12345

如果您想确保您的号码至少为 5 位数字,请从以下位置开始您的增量值:base_convert(10000,36,10) = 1679616

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