php - 使用 preRemove/postRemove 事件来获取哪些查询可以执行,哪些不可以

标签 php mysql symfony doctrine-orm

这个问题在我脑海中盘旋了一段时间,现在我需要一些关于 preRemove/postRemove 事件的建议,因为我将执行的查询基本上是 DELETE 但这应该也适用于 prePersist/postPersist 和 preUpdate/postUpdate(不知道那些最新的是否真的存在)。

我在几个实体中执行 DELETE 有两种可能的情况(参见 foreach 循环):

// First approach
$itemsRemoved = $itemsNonRemoved = [];
foreach($someVar as $item) {
    $item = $em->getRepository('someEntity')->find($item['value']);
    try {
        array_push($itemsRemoved, $item['value']);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        array_push($itemsNonRemoved, $item['value']);

// Second approach
$itemsRemoved = $itemsNonRemoved = [];
foreach($someVar as $item) {
    $item = $em->getRepository('someEntity')->find($item['value']);


不推荐第一种方法,正如 @acontell 用户在 this 上所说的那样answer execute flush() 是一种反模式,也会影响应用程序性能,因为每次都需要执行多个查询,但使用这种方法我可以得到哪个被插入,哪个没有被插入。

使用第二种方法我将避免反模式并提高性能,但我如何知道插入了哪些项目,哪些没有插入?此外,如果默认情况下任何查询失败,Doctrine 将进行回滚,因此不会插入任何查询。

那么,我是否可以使用 preRemove/postRemove 事件来获取哪些查询可以执行,哪些不能表示插入或不插入哪些值?

这个问题与this有密切关系和 this


既然 @acontell 给了我另一个很好的答案,我需要一些建议,看看我是否掌握了全部内容,或者我仍然迷路了,所以这是一个真实的例子:

        foreach ($request->request->get( 'items' ) as $item) {
            $relacion = $this->get( 'database_connection' )->fetchColumn(
                'SELECT COUNT(fabricante_producto_solicitud_id) AS cnt FROM negocio.fabricante_modelo_marca_producto WHERE fabricante_producto_solicitud_id = ?',
                array( $item['value'] )

            if ($relacion === 0) {
                $entFabricanteProductoSolicitud = $em->getRepository(
                )->find( $item['value'] );

                try {
                    $em->remove( $entFabricanteProductoSolicitud );
                    array_push( $itemsRemoved, $item['value'] );

                    $response['success'] = true;
                    $status              = 200;
                } catch ( \Exception $e ) {
                    $status = 400;
                    dump( $e->getMessage() );

                    return new JsonResponse( $response, $status ?: 200 );

            $response['itemsRemoved'] = $itemsRemoved;

如果我明白了,那么 LifeCycleCallbacks 应该放在执行 DELETE 的 AppBundle:FabricanteProductoSolicitud 中,对吗?

编辑: 我还想知道在多个实体上使用代码的最佳方法,因为我在大多数实体中都会有这种行为,那么为此目的定义一个 Trait 应该没问题吧?应该定义为任何其他特征?


通过@acontell 对代码进行一些测试


public function eliminarNormasAction(Request $request)
    if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        $response['success']  = false;
        $entProducto = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Producto')->find($request->request->get('producto'));
        $response['success']  = false;
        $status = null;

        $ids = [];
        foreach($request->request->get( 'items' ) as $item) {
            array_push( $ids, $item['value'] );

        $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
        $entNorma = $qb
            ->from('AppBundle:Norma', 'q')
            ->add('where', $qb->expr()->in('', ':ids'))
            ->setParameter('ids', $ids)

        // Initialize arrays (useful to reset them also)

        foreach($entNorma as $norma) {
            // here entities are persisted since rows there is not more at DB
            $entProducto->removeProductoNorma( $norma );  

        try {
            $response['success'] = true;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $status = 400;

        $response['itemsRemoved']    = Entity\Producto::getDeletedEntities();
        $response['itemsNonRemoved'] = Entity\Producto::getNotDeletedEntities();
    } else {
        $response['error'] = $this->get('translator')->trans('mensajes.msgPeticionXMLHttpRequestInvalida');

    return new JsonResponse($response, $status ?: 200);

问题 Entity\Producto::getDeletedEntities() 返回一个没有删除值的空数组,为什么?



首先,这些是 Doctrine events你可以使用。为了简单起见,我将解释如何进行删除。同样为了简单起见,我将使用一个静态数组(它可以通过其他方式完成,我喜欢这个)和 lifecycle callbacks .在这种情况下,回调将是非常简单的方法(这就是为什么可以使用它们而不是实现 listener or subscriber 的原因)。


    type: entity
    table: cars
            type: integer
            id: true
                strategy: AUTO
            type: string
            length: '25'
            unique: true
            type: string
            length: '64'
        preRemove: [entityDueToDeletion]
        postRemove: [entityDeleted]

如您所见,我定义了两个回调,它们将由 preRemove 事件和 postRemove 事件触发。

preRemove - The preRemove event occurs for a given entity before the respective EntityManager remove operation for that entity is executed. It is not called for a DQL DELETE statement.

postRemove - The postRemove event occurs for an entity after the entity has been deleted. It will be invoked after the database delete operations. It is not called for a DQL DELETE statement.


class Car {

    // Getters & setters and so on, not going to copy them here for simplicity

    private static $preDeletedEntities;// static array that will contain entities due to deletion.
    private static $deletedEntities;// static array that will contain entities that were deleted (well, at least the SQL was thrown).

    public function entityDueToDeletion() {// This callback will be called on the preRemove event
        self::$preDeletedEntities[] = $this->getId();// This entity is due to be deleted though not deleted yet.

    public function entityDeleted() {// This callback will be called in the postRemove event
        self::$deletedEntities[] = $this->getId();// The SQL to delete the entity has been issued. Could fail and trigger the rollback in which case the id doesn't get stored in the array.

    public static function getDeletedEntities() {
        return array_slice(self::$preDeletedEntities, 0, count(self::$deletedEntities));

    public static function getNotDeletedEntities() {
        return array_slice(self::$preDeletedEntities, count(self::$deletedEntities)+1, count(self::$preDeletedEntities));

    public static function getFailedToDeleteEntity() {
        if(count(self::$preDeletedEntities) == count(self::$deletedEntities)) {
            return NULL; // Everything went ok
        return self::$preDeletedEntities[count(self::$deletedEntities)]; // We return the id of the entity that failed.

    public static function prepareArrays() {
        self::$preDeletedEntities = array();
        self::$deletedEntities = array();

注意回调以及静态数组和方法。每次通过 Car 实体调用 remove 时,preRemove 回调会将实体的 ID 存储在数组 $preDeletedEntities 中。当实体被删除时,postRemove 事件会将 id 存储在 $entityDeleted 中。 preRemove 事件很重要,因为我们想知道是哪个实体导致交易失败。

现在,在 Controller 中我们可以这样做:

use Acme\MyBundle\Entity\Car;

$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$ret = $qb
        ->from('AcmeMyBundle:Car', 'c')
        ->add('where', $qb->expr()->in('', ':ids'))
        ->setParameter('ids', $arrayOfIds)

Car::prepareArrays();// Initialize arrays (useful to reset them also)
foreach ($ret as $car) {// Second approach

try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    $couldBeDeleted = Car::getDeletedEntities();
    $entityThatFailed = Car::getFailedToDeleteEntity();
    $notDeletedCars = Car::getNotDeletedEntities();

    // Do what you please, you can delete those entities that didn't fail though you'll have to reset the entitymanager (it'll be closed by now due to the exception).

    return $this->render('AcmeMyBundle:Car:errors.html.twig', array(// I'm going to respond with the ids that could've succeded, the id that failed and those entities that we don't know whether they could've succeeded or not.
                'deletedCars' => $couldBeDeleted,
                'failToDeleteCar' => $entityThatFailed,
                'notDeletedCars' => $notDeletedCars,



我将尝试解释更多 catch block 中发生的事情:

此时,交易已经失败。由于无法删除某些实体(例如由于 fk 约束)这一事实引发了异常。


$deletedCars 是一个变量,包含那些本来可以删除(它们没有引发任何异常)但没有删除(因为回滚)的实体的 ID。

$failToDeleteCar 包含删除引发异常的实体的 ID。

$notDeletedCars 包含交易中的其余实体 ID,但我们不知道是否会成功。

此时,您可以重置 entitymanager(它已关闭),使用没有引起问题的 ID 启动另一个查询并删除它们(如果您愿意)并发回一条消息让用户知道您删除了那些实体并且 $failToDeleteCar 失败并且未被删除,$notDeletedCars 也未被删除。由您决定要做什么。

我无法重现你提到的关于 Entity::getDeletedEntities() 的问题,它在这里工作正常。




关于php - 使用 preRemove/postRemove 事件来获取哪些查询可以执行,哪些不可以,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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