MySQL : merge data from 3 tables in one result with one query statement

标签 mysql sql

要在一个查询中合并来自 invoiceclients 表的发票和相应的客户地址数据,我使用以下语句:

FROM invoice, clients 
WHERE invoice.client_id = clients.ID

它工作完美。但是现在我有第三个表进入游戏,其中存储了 invoice_items。每张发票都有一项或多项将向客户收费的项目。每个 invoice_item UPDATE 存储相应的、先前生成的 invoice.ID。但是如何在一个查询中合并 3 个表呢?我这样试过:

FROM invoice, invoice_item, clients 
WHERE inv_num =:num 
AND invoice.client_id = clients.ID  
AND invoice_item.inv_id = invoice.ID




$query = $this->db_con->prepare('SELECT * FROM invoice, invoice_item, clients  WHERE inv_num =:num AND invoice.client_id = clients.ID AND invoice_item.inv_id = invoice.ID');
$query->bindValue(':num',$val, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$success = $query->execute();

$val 是之前从表格中选择的发票编号。


根据 Stivan 的回答,我得到了以下结果模式。 假设有 1 张发票和 2 个 invoice_item:

    Array {
     [0] => Array {
            // col from table `invoice`
            [col 1]
            [col 2]
            [col n] 
            // col from table `invoice_item`
            [col 1]
            [col 2]
            [col n] 
            // col from table `clients`
            [col 1]
            [col 2]
            [col n] 
     [1] => Array {
            // col from table `invoice`
            [col 1]
            [col 2]
            [col n] 
            // col from table `invoice_item`
            [col 1]
            [col 2]
            [col n] 
            // col from table `clients`
            [col 1]
            [col 2]
            [col n] 


如何将列从 clients 分隔为 1 col

或者甚至更好地保存资源并仅接收 1 个带有 * 来自发票和来自 invoice_items 的附加项目的数组,所以它可能看起来像这样:

Array {
 [0] => Array {
        // col from table `invoice`
        [col 1]
        [col 2]
        [col n] 
        // col from table `clients`
        [col 1]
         Array {
            [0] => Array {
                   // col from table `invoice_items`
                   [col 1]
                   [col 2]
                   [col n] 
            [1] => Array {
                   // col from table `invoice_items`
                   [col 1]
                   [col 2]
                   [col n] 


from invoice
     left join invoice_item on invoice_item.inv_id = invoice.ID
     left join clients on clients.ID = invoice.client_id
     invoice.inv_num = :num;  //Or the table where inv_number comes from

 corrected invoice.inv_number to invoice.inv_num

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