mysql - 使用存储过程或函数遍历一个表并替换另一个表中的值

标签 mysql stored-procedures iteration mysql-workbench do-while

绝望地卡在下面,直到现在我的编程快速拨号伙伴都没有能够提供帮助(他们中的大多数不是 MySQL 专家):

我有不同的表,其中列名和数据类型是使用 CSV 文件从“导入表数据向导”自动生成的,并且该表不包含 AUTO INCREMENT 列(还)。这个特定的表包含大约:30.000 行它从 row=id(1) 从一个看起来像这样的表开始:

我正在尝试使用一个“更正”表来更正一列中以逗号分隔 的值。为此,我正在编写一个包含 WHILE 循环的存储过程,以逐行交互校正表,并检查是否在导入的表中找到别名。

|  id  | material   | alias01   | alias02  | alias03 | *up to 12
    1   Katoen       Cotton      Supima     Pima        
    2   Polyester    Polyster               
    3   Lyocell      Lycocell    Lyocel         
    4   Linnen       Linen              
    5   Viscose      Visose      Viskose    Viscoe  Voscose 
    6   Scheerwol                   
    7   Polyamide                   
    8   Nylon                   
    9   Leer         Leder       Lamsleder  Varkensleder
    10  Polyurethaan Polyurethan PU         Polyuretaan

出于测试目的以测试任何类型的结果,我现在只使用 alias01(它需要检查 alias01,然后是 02 等...但我会在稍后尝试解决该问题)。

它需要比较“长度”(alias_string_length = found_string_length)以确保在“wool”或“wol”中找不到由“wo”组成的字符串。


| material |



感谢 Drew 的提示,我更改了程序。我添加了一个 tmp 表,其中包含每行的 Material 和唯一 ID,并使用 alias01 遍历每一行。执行 9000 行大约需要 11 秒,但 0 行受到影响,。任何关于提高速度的提示都是最受欢迎的,但深入了解可能是什么问题会更有帮助。

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `replace_materials`()
set @rownumber = 1;
set @totalrows = 28;
set @um ='';
set @cm ='';
set @corrected ='';
set @correctme ='';

INSERT INTO tmp (material) SELECT material FROM vantilburgonline.productinfo;

    WHILE (@rownumber < @totalrows) DO

        SET @um = (SELECT alias01 FROM vantilburgonline.materials WHERE id=@rownumber); 
        -- gives 'um' value from column alias01, from table materials, row(X)
        SET @cm = (SELECT material FROM vantilburgonline.materials WHERE id=@rownumber); 
        -- gives 'cm' value from column material, from table materials, row(X)

        set @tmprow = 1;
        set @totaltmprow =9000;

        WHILE (@tmprow < @totaltmprow) DO

            SET @correctme = (SELECT material FROM vantilburgonline.tmp WHERE id = @tmprow); 
            -- gives the value from column material from table tmp to correctme(X).

            SET @correctme = REPLACE(@correctme,@um,@cm);
            -- should run through column material from table productinfo and replace 'alias01' with correct 'material'.
            SET @tmprow = @tmprow +1;

            END WHILE;

        SET @rownumber = @rownumber +1;


虽然我确定 alias01 包含它应该在 Material 中找到的字符串。 Workbench 此时也使用了 9GB,我只能通过重新启动来解决这个问题。


我建议对您的 materials 表进行更改,该表对于多列(alias01 .. alias12)来说很笨重。向标准化、可扩展系统的过渡。它会有一个 Material 表和一个 materials_alias 表。由于它与您当前创建的表格并排放置,因此我将它们命名为 2


drop table if exists materials2;
create table materials2
(   material varchar(100) primary key, -- let's go with a natural key
    active bool not null -- turn it LIVE and ON for string replacement of alias back to material name
    -- so active is TRUE for ones to do replacement, or FALSE for skip
    -- facilitates your testing of your synonyms, translations, slangs, etc

insert materials2 (material,active) values
-- 21 rows
-- a few rows were skipped. The intent of them read as gibberish to me. Please review.

-- we need to restructure the materials2_alias table (after the first attempt)
-- 1. it might need special handling when `alias` is a legitimate substring of `material` (those 2 columns)
-- 2. it needs a unique composite index
drop table if exists materials2_alias;
create table materials2_alias
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    material varchar(100) not null,
    alias varchar(100) not null,
    ais bool not null, -- Alias is Substring (alias is a legitimate substring of material, like Wo and Wol, respectively)
    unique key(material,alias), -- Composite Index, do not allow dupe combos (only 1 row per combo)
    foreign key `m2alias_m2` (material) references materials2(material)

insert materials2_alias (material,alias,ais) values

-- this cleans up the above, where false should have been true
update materials2_alias
set ais=true 
where instr(material,alias)>0;
-- 4 rows

有几个 alter table 语句和其他东西。我将尝试记录它们或链接到它们。考虑到您有几百行代码,我只是想捕捉一些东西来分享。但我的代码归结为一个简单的代码块,您可以将其放入一个循环中。


UPDATE productinfo pi
join materials2_alias ma 
on instr(  pi.material,  concat(',',ma.alias,',')  )>0 
join materials2 m
on m.material=ma.material and
set pi.material=replace(lower(pi.material),lower(ma.alias),lower(ma.material)),


-- Note, pi.material starts and ends with a comma.
-- I forced that during the ETL. But `ma.alias` does not contain commas.
-- So add the commas with a concat() within the "Update with a Join" pattern shown
-- Note that the commas solved the problem with the Wol - Wo 

嗯,特别是以下 4 个。

select * from materials2_alias 
where ais=true 
order by material,alias;
| id | material   | alias    | ais |
|  6 | Lyocell    | Lyocel   |   1 |
| 33 | Polyamide  | Polyamid |   1 |
| 28 | Wol        | WO       |   1 |
| 35 | Wol-Merino | Merino   |   1 |

-- instr() is not case sensitive except for binary strings
-- REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str); -- case sensitive
-- so the update uses lower() or this won't work due to replace() case sensitivity


DROP PROCEDURE if exists touchCounts;
    select touchCount,count(*) as rowCount 
    from productinfo 
    group by touchCount 
    order by touchCount;
END $$

当该存储过程在连续调用(下一次调用)中返回相同的行数时,您就完成了通过更新修改 material 列。

该存储过程自然会为行数返回一个 out 参数。但是已经很晚了,该 sleep 了。

对于您这边的最后一个数据集,更新语句需要调用 4 次。在我的普通笔记本电脑上,这就像 13 秒。这个想法自然是灵活的,如果您愿意,可以为每种 Material 创建数百个别名。

我把它停在了 github因为否则太多了。

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