mysql - MySQL 中使用 WHERE EXISTS 进行删除查询

标签 mysql sql-delete

我正在使用 MySql 中的一个表执行“where contains”查询。它与 SELECT * 一起工作正常,但当我尝试执行 DELETE 而不是 SELECT * 时失败。


select * from MyTable t1 where exists ( 
select * from MyTable t2 where t1.user_id = t2.user_id 
and t1.object_id <> t2.object_id and t2.role = "ADMIN")
and role = "ORG_MANAGER" 
and object_type = "type_b";


delete from MyTable t1 
where user_id in (
  select user_id 
  from MyTable t1 
  where exists ( 
    select * from MyTable t2 
    where t1.user_id = t2.user_id 
    and t1.object_id <> t2.object_id 
    and t2.role = "ADMIN")
  and role = "ORG_MANAGER" 
  and object_type = "type_b";

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