Python 非 ascii 字符

标签 python sql-server utf-8

我有一个 python 文件,它在 ms sql 中创建和填充一个表。唯一的症结在于,如果有任何非 ascii 字符或单个撇号(每种都有不少),代码就会中断。虽然我可以运行 replace 函数来删除字符串中的撇号,但我更愿意保持它们完整无缺。我也试过将数据转换成 utf-8,但也没有成功。


"'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\2013' in position..." (for non-ascii characters)


class 'pyodbc.ProgrammingError'>: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Incorrect syntax near 'S, 230 X 90M.; Eligibilty....  

当我尝试使用 utf-8 对字符串进行编码时,却收到以下错误消息:

<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>: ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 219: ordinal not in range(128)

python 代码包含在下面。我相信代码中发生此中断的点是在以下行之后:InsertValue = str(row.GetValue(CurrentField['Name'])).

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pyodbc
import sys
import arcpy
import arcgisscripting

gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)

#SourceFGDB = '###'
#SourceTable = '###'
SourceTable = sys.argv[1]
TempInputName = sys.argv[2]
SourceTable2 = sys.argv[3]
# Target Database Settings
TargetDatabaseDriver = "{SQL Server}"
TargetDatabaseServer = "###"
TargetDatabaseName = "###"
TargetDatabaseUser = "###"
TargetDatabasePassword = "###"

# Get schema from FGDB table.
# This should be an ordered list of dictionary elements [{'FGDB_Name', 'FGDB_Alias', 'FGDB_Type', FGDB_Width, FGDB_Precision, FGDB_Scale}, {}]

if not gp.Exists(SourceTable):
    print ('- The source does not exist.')
#### Should see if it is actually a table type.  Could be a Feature Data Set or something...
print('        - Processing Items From : ' + SourceTable)
FieldList = []
Field_List = gp.ListFields(SourceTable)
print('            - Getting number of rows.')
result = gp.GetCount_management(SourceTable)
Number_of_Features = gp.GetCount_management(SourceTable)
print('                - Number of Rows: ' + str(Number_of_Features))
print('            - Getting fields.')
Field_List1 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'Layer')
Field_List2 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'Comments')
Field_List3 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'Category')
Field_List4 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'State')
Field_List5 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'Label')
Field_List6 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'DateUpdate')
Field_List7 = gp.ListFields(SourceTable, 'OBJECTID')
for Current_Field in Field_List1 + Field_List2 + Field_List3 + Field_List4 + Field_List5 + Field_List6 + Field_List7:
        print('            - Field Found: ' + Current_Field.Name)
        if Current_Field.AliasName in SQL_KEYWORDS:
            Target_Name = Current_Field.Name + '_'
            Target_Name = Current_Field.Name

        print('                 - Alias    : ' + Current_Field.AliasName)
        print('                 - Type     : ' + Current_Field.Type)
        print('                 - Length   : ' + str(Current_Field.Length))
        print('                 - Scale    : ' + str(Current_Field.Scale))
        print('                 - Precision: ' + str(Current_Field.Precision))
        FieldList.append({'Name': Current_Field.Name, 'AliasName': Current_Field.AliasName, 'Type': Current_Field.Type, 'Length': Current_Field.Length, 'Scale': Current_Field.Scale, 'Precision': Current_Field.Precision, 'Unique': 'UNIQUE', 'Target_Name': Target_Name})
# Create table in SQL Server based on FGDB table schema.
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(r'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=###;DATABASE=###;UID=sql_webenvas;PWD=###')
cursor = cnxn .cursor()
#### DROP the table first?
    DropTableSQL = 'DROP TABLE dbo.' + TempInputName + '_Test;'
    print DropTableSQL
    print('WARNING: Can not drop table - may not exist: ' + TempInputName + '_Test')
CreateTableSQL = ('CREATE TABLE  ' + TempInputName + '_Test '
' (Layer varchar(500), Comments varchar(5000), State int, Label varchar(500), DateUpdate DATETIME, Category varchar(50), OBJECTID int)')
# Cursor through each row in the FGDB table, get values, and insert into the SQL Server Table.
# We got Number_of_Features earlier, just use that.
Number_Processed = 0
print('        - Processing ' + str(Number_of_Features) + ' features.')
rows = gp.SearchCursor(SourceTable)
row = rows.Next()
while row:
    if Number_Processed % 10000 == 0:
        print('            - Processed ' + str(Number_Processed) + ' of ' + str(Number_of_Features))
    InsertSQLFields = 'INSERT INTO ' + TempInputName + '_Test ('
    InsertSQLValues = 'VALUES ('
    for CurrentField in FieldList:
        InsertSQLFields = InsertSQLFields + CurrentField['Target_Name'] + ', '
        InsertValue = str(row.GetValue(CurrentField['Name']))
        if InsertValue in ['None']:
            InsertValue = 'NULL'
        # Use an escape quote for the SQL.
        InsertValue = InsertValue.replace("'","' '")
        if CurrentField['Type'].upper() in ['STRING', 'CHAR', 'TEXT']:
            if InsertValue == 'NULL':
                InsertSQLValues = InsertSQLValues + "NULL, "
                InsertSQLValues = InsertSQLValues + "'" + InsertValue + "', "
        elif CurrentField['Type'].upper() in ['GEOMETRY']:
            ## We're not handling geometry transfers at this time.
            if InsertValue == 'NULL':
                InsertSQLValues = InsertSQLValues + '0' + ', '
                InsertSQLValues = InsertSQLValues + '1' + ', '
            InsertSQLValues = InsertSQLValues + InsertValue + ', '
    InsertSQLFields = InsertSQLFields[:-2] + ')'
    InsertSQLValues = InsertSQLValues[:-2] + ')'
    InsertSQL = InsertSQLFields + ' ' + InsertSQLValues
    ## print InsertSQL
    Number_Processed = Number_Processed + 1
    row = rows.Next()
print('            - Processed all ' + str(Number_Processed))
del row
del rows


James,我认为真正的问题是您没有全面使用 Unicode。尝试执行以下操作:

  • 确保您用于填充数据库的输入文件采用 UTF-8 格式,并且您正在使用 UTF-8 编码器读取它。
  • 确保您的数据库实际上将数据存储为 Unicode
  • 当您从文件或数据库中检索数据或想要操作字符串(例如使用 + 运算符)时,您需要确保所有部分都是正确的 Unicode。您不能使用 str() 方法。正如戴夫指出的那样,您需要使用 unicode() 。如果您在代码中定义字符串,请使用 u'my string' 而不是 'my string'(否则它不被视为 unicode)。


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