python - 将多项式与 numpy.convolve 相乘返回错误结果

标签 python numpy polynomial-math multiplication

我正在尝试使用 numpy.convolve 函数将两个多项式相乘。 我认为这真的很容易,但我发现它并不总是返回正确的产品。


def __mul__(self, other):
    new = ModPolynomial(self._mod_r, self._mod_n)
         new_coefs = np.convolve(self._coefs, other._coefs)
         new_coefs %= self._mod_n                # coefficients in Z/nZ
         new._coefs = new_coefs.tolist()
         new._degree = self._finddegree(new._coefs)
    except AttributeError:
         new._coefs = [(c * other) % self._mod_n for c in self._coefs]
         new._degree = self._finddegree(new._coefs)
    new._mod()       #the polynomial mod x^r-1
    return new


>>> N = 5915587277
>>> r = 1091
>>> pol = polynomials.ModPolynomial(r,N)
>>> pol += 1
>>> r_minus_1 = (pol**(r-1)).coefficients
>>> # (x+1)^r = (x+1)^(r-1) * (x+1) = (x+1)^(r-1) * x + (x+1)^(r-1) * 1
... shifted = [r_minus_1[-1]] + list(r_minus_1[:-1])   #(x+1)^(r-1) * x mod x^r-1
>>> res = [(a+b)%N for a,b in zip(shifted, r_minus_1)]
>>> tuple(res) == tuple((pol**r).coefficients)

求幂可能不是问题,因为我使用与其他多项式实现完全相同的算法来给出正确的结果。通过“完全相同的算法”,我的意思是使用 numpy.convolve 的多项式类是另一个类的子类,仅重新实现 __mul___mod() [在 _mod() 中,我只需调用另一个 _mod() 方法,然后删除项的 0 系数大于多项式次数]。


>>> pol = polynomials.ModPolynomial(r, N)   #r,N same as before
>>> pol += 1
>>> (pol**96).coefficients
(1, 96, 4560, 142880, 3321960, 61124064, 927048304, 88017926, 2458096246, 1029657217, 4817106694, 4856395617, 384842111, 2941717277, 5186464497, 5873440931, 526082533, 39852453, 1160839201, 1963430115, 3122515485, 3694777161, 1571327669, 5827174319, 2249616721, 501768628, 5713942687, 1107927924, 3954439741, 1346794697, 4091850467, 2576431255, 94278252, 5838836826, 3146740571, 1898930862, 4578131646, 1668290724, 2073150016, 2424971880, 1386950302, 1658296694, 5652662386, 1467437114, 2496056685, 1276577534, 4774523858, 5138784090, 4607975862, 5138784090, 4774523858, 1276577534, 2496056685, 1467437114, 5652662386, 1658296694, 1386950302, 2424971880, 2073150016, 1668290724, 4578131646, 1898930862, 3146740571, 5838836826, 94278252, 2576431255, 4091850467, 1346794697, 3954439741, 1107927924, 5713942687, 501768628, 2249616721, 5827174319, 1571327669, 3694777161, 3122515485, 1963430115, 1160839201, 39852453, 526082533, 5873440931, 5186464497, 2941717277, 384842111, 4856395617, 4817106694, 1029657217, 2458096246, 88017926, 927048304, 61124064, 3321960, 142880, 4560, 96, 1)
#the correct result[taken from wolframalpha]:
(1, 96, 4560, 142880, 3321960, 61124064, 927048304, 88017926, 2458096246, 1029657217, 4817106694, 4856395617, 384842111, 2941717277, 5186464497, 5873440931, 526082533, 39852453, 1160839201L, 1963430115L, 3122515485L, 3694777161L, 1571327669L, 5827174319L, 1209974072L, 5377713256L, 4674300038L, 68285275L, 2914797092L, 307152048L, 3052207818L, 1536788606L, 4970222880L, 4799194177L, 2107097922L, 859288213L, 4578131646L, 1668290724L, 1033507367L, 1385329231L, 347307653L, 618654045L, 4613019737L, 427794465L, 1456414036L, 236934885L, 3734881209L, 4099141441L, 3568333213L, 4099141441L, 3734881209L, 236934885L, 1456414036L, 427794465L, 4613019737L, 618654045L, 347307653L, 1385329231L, 1033507367L, 1668290724L, 4578131646L, 859288213L, 2107097922L, 4799194177L, 4970222880L, 1536788606L, 3052207818L, 307152048L, 2914797092L, 68285275L, 4674300038L, 5377713256L, 1209974072L, 5827174319L, 1571327669L, 3694777161L, 3122515485L, 1963430115L, 1160839201L, 39852453, 526082533, 5873440931, 5186464497, 2941717277, 384842111, 4856395617, 4817106694, 1029657217, 2458096246, 88017926, 927048304, 61124064, 3321960, 142880, 4560, 96, 1)

错误的结果只出现在“大数字”上,而且指数应该是“大”[我找不到指数 < 96 的示例]。

我不知道为什么会发生这种情况。我使用 numpy.convolve 是因为它是在我的另一个问题中建议的,我只是想将我的方法与 numpy 方法的速度进行比较。也许我使用 numpy.convolve 的方式错误?



NumPy 是一个对 fixed-size numeric data types 数组实现快速运算的库。它不实现任意精度算术。所以你在这里看到的是整数溢出:NumPy 将你的系数表示为 64 位整数,当这些系数足够大时,它们会在 numpy.convolve 中溢出。

>>> import numpy
>>> a = numpy.convolve([1,1], [1,1])
>>> type(a[0])
<type 'numpy.int64'>

如果需要对任意精度整数进行算术运算,则需要实现自己的卷积,以便它可以使用 Python 的任意精度整数。例如,

def convolve(a, b):
    Generate the discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences.
    return [sum(a[j] * b[i - j] for j in range(i + 1)
                if j < len(a) and i - j < len(b))
            for i in range(len(a) + len(b) - 1)]

>>> a = [1,1]
>>> for i in range(95): a = convolve(a, [1,1])
>>> from math import factorial as f
>>> all(a[i] == f(96) / f(i) / f(96 - i) for i in range(97))

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