python - 在 ZeroRPC 中实现自定义队列

标签 python zeromq

目前,我正在使用 ZeroRPC,我让“工作人员”连接到“服务器”并执行服务器发送给他们的工作。

目前,只要有调用,就会通过 ZeroRPC 进行调用,据我所知,它使用 FIFO 队列。


我希望 ZeroRPC 公开一个 gevent Event,当其内部队列空时触发。



由于几行代码比 3 卷中的任何吸血鬼故事都表达得更多,让我们用伪代码看看服务器可能是什么样子:

myqueue = MySuperBadAssQueue()

def myqueueprocessor():
  for request in myqueue: # blocks until next request
    gevent.spawn(request.processme) # do the job asynchronously

gevent.spawn(myqueueprocessor) # do that at startup

class Server:

  def dosomething(args...blabla...):  # what users are calling
    request = Request(args...blabla...)
    myqueue.put(request)  # something to do buddy!
    return request.future.get() # return when request is completed
                                # (can also raise an exception)

# An example of what a request could look like:
class Request:
  def __init__(self, ....blablabla...):
    self.future = gevent.AsyncResult()

   def process():
         result = someworker(self.args*) # call some worker
         self.future.set(result) # complete the initial request
     except Exception as e:

由 MySuperBadAssQueue 来完成所有智能工作,如果需要的话可以节流,如果需要的话取消带有异常的请求,等等......

ZeroRPC 不会公开任何事件来让您知道其“内部”队列是否运行 空:

In fact, there is no explicit queue in ZeroRPC. What happens, is simply first come first serve, and the exact order depend both of ZeroMQ and the Gevent IOLoop (libevent or libev depending of the version). It happens that in practice, this conveniently plays like a FIFO queue.

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