python - 将项目添加回可迭代对象( yield /生成器)

标签 python generator yield

我认为这是使用 yield 的好时机,但我被卡住了。


states = ["IL", "NY", "NJ"]
for state in states:
    ok = do something
    if not ok:
        *add state back as the first-to-deal with in the generator*



您可能指的是 coroutine ,它利用了 yield 表达式。它的工作原理有点像这样:

def co_gen(li):
    for x in li:
        bad = yield x
        if bad is not None:
            print('ack! {}'.format(bad))
            #other error handling


states = ["IL", "NY", "NJ"]

gen = co_gen(states)

for x in gen:
    print('processing state: {}'.format(x))
    if x == 'NY':
        y = gen.send('Boo, Yankees!')
        print( 'processing state after error: {}'.format(y))

# processing state: IL
# processing state: NY
# ack! Boo, Yankees!
# processing state after error: NJ

要点 - 正常的 yield 行为将 None 分配给 bad。如果它不是 None,则某些内容已被发送-ed 到生成器中。

当我们发送一些东西到生成器中时,它恢复操作直到它到达下一个 yield 表达式。所以请记住这一点 - 协程中的上述控制流不是我所说的“标准”,因为在错误 block 中没有完成 yielding。


def co_gen(li):
    for x in li:
        bad = yield x
        while bad is not None:
            print('error in generator: {}'.format(bad))
            bad = yield bad

gen = co_gen(states)

for x in gen:
    print('processing state: {}'.format(x))
    if random.choice([0,1]):
        gen.send(x) #discard first yield
        print( 'error: trying {} again'.format(x) )

# processing state: IL
# error in generator: IL
# error: trying IL again
# processing state: IL
# processing state: NY
# error in generator: NY
# error: trying NY again
# processing state: NY
# processing state: NJ


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