python - Python 的 PEP8 行长度限制是否适用于注释?

标签 python pep8


我正在从事一个协作式 Python 项目。由于 PEP8,我的 IDE (PyCharm) 将代码行的长度超过 120 个字符标记为“小问题”。然而,只有当我有一个大的注释来解释一些复杂的代码时才会发生这种情况——代码本身永远不会超过限制。我应该将这些长评论变成多行评论以遵守指南还是保持原样?


是的,指南适用于源代码中的所有行,包括注释。那是因为它们有助于设定对编辑器宽度的期望。如果行长度建议不适用于评论,您仍然必须滚动编辑器窗 Eloquent 能阅读评论。


在 Facebook,我们使用 flake8-bugbear - 强制行长度,容差为 10%:

B950: Line too long. This is a pragmatic equivalent of pycodestyle’s E501: it considers “max-line-length” but only triggers when the value has been exceeded by more than 10%. You will no longer be forced to reformat code due to the closing parenthesis being one character too far to satisfy the linter. At the same time, if you do significantly violate the line length, you will receive a message that states what the actual limit is. This is inspired by Raymond Hettinger’s “Beyond PEP 8” talk and highway patrol not stopping you if you drive < 5mph too fast. Disable E501 to avoid duplicate warnings.

义务免责声明:我为 flake8-bugbear 做出了贡献。

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