c# - AutoFixture.AutoMoq 为一个构造函数参数提供一个已知值

标签 c# unit-testing autofixture automocking

我刚刚开始在我的单元测试中使用 AutoFixture.AutoMoq,我发现它对于创建我不关心具体值的对象非常有帮助。毕竟,匿名对象创建就是它的全部。


public class ExampleComponent
    public ExampleComponent(IService service, string someValue)

我想编写一个测试,为 someValue 提供特定值但离开IServiceAutoFixture.AutoMoq 自动创建。

我知道如何使用 Freeze在我的 IFixture保留将被注入(inject)到组件中的已知值,但我不太明白如何提供我自己的已知值。


public void Create_ExampleComponent_With_Known_SomeValue()
    // create a fixture that supports automocking
    IFixture fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());

    // supply a known value for someValue (this method doesn't exist)
    string knownValue = fixture.Freeze<string>("My known value");

    // create an ExampleComponent with my known value injected 
    // but without bothering about the IService parameter
    ExampleComponent component = this.fixture.Create<ExampleComponent>();

    // exercise component knowning it has my known value injected

我知道我可以通过直接调用构造函数来做到这一点,但这将不再是匿名对象创建。有没有办法像这样使用 AutoFixture.AutoMock,或者我是否需要将 DI 容器合并到我的测试中才能执行我想要的操作?



我有一个 ICache具有通用 TryRead<T> 的接口(interface)和 Write<T>方法:

public interface ICache
    bool TryRead<T>(string key, out T value);

    void Write<T>(string key, T value);

    // other methods not shown...  

我正在实现 CookieCache其中 ITypeConverter处理对象与字符串之间的转换和 lifespan用于设置 cookie 的到期日期。

public class CookieCache : ICache
    public CookieCache(ITypeConverter converter, TimeSpan lifespan)
        // usual storing of parameters

    public bool TryRead<T>(string key, out T result)
        // read the cookie value as string and convert it to the target type

    public void Write<T>(string key, T value)
        // write the value to a cookie, converted to a string

        // set the expiry date of the cookie using the lifespan

    // other methods not shown...

因此,在为 cookie 的到期日期编写测试时,我关心的是生命周期而不是转换器。


所以我确信人们可以制定出 Mark 的建议的一般实现,但我想我会发布它以征求意见。

我基于 Mark 的 LifeSpanArg 创建了一个通用的 ParameterNameSpecimenBuilder:

public class ParameterNameSpecimenBuilder<T> : ISpecimenBuilder
    private readonly string name;
    private readonly T value;

    public ParameterNameSpecimenBuilder(string name, T value)
        // we don't want a null name but we might want a null value
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

        this.name = name;
        this.value = value;

    public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
        var pi = request as ParameterInfo;
        if (pi == null)
            return new NoSpecimen(request);

        if (pi.ParameterType != typeof(T) ||
            return new NoSpecimen(request);

        return this.value;

然后我在 IFixture 上定义了一个通用的 FreezeByName 扩展方法来设置自定义:

public static class FreezeByNameExtension
    public static void FreezeByName<T>(this IFixture fixture, string name, T value)
        fixture.Customizations.Add(new ParameterNameSpecimenBuilder<T>(name, value));


public void FreezeByName_Sets_Value1_And_Value2_Independently()
    //// Arrange
    IFixture arrangeFixture = new Fixture();

    string myValue1 = arrangeFixture.Create<string>();
    string myValue2 = arrangeFixture.Create<string>();

    IFixture sutFixture = new Fixture();
    sutFixture.FreezeByName("value1", myValue1);
    sutFixture.FreezeByName("value2", myValue2);

    //// Act
    TestClass<string> result = sutFixture.Create<TestClass<string>>();

    //// Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(myValue1, result.Value1);
    Assert.AreEqual(myValue2, result.Value2);

public class TestClass<T>
    public TestClass(T value1, T value2)
        this.Value1 = value1;
        this.Value2 = value2;

    public T Value1 { get; private set; }

    public T Value2 { get; private set; }

关于c# - AutoFixture.AutoMoq 为一个构造函数参数提供一个已知值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16819470/


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