python - 将 json 文件拆分成句子

标签 python json loops

我有一个通过语音转文本生成的 json 文件,它返回所有检测到的带标点符号的单词。现在我想用它造句。

我可以做一个 while 循环,直到检测到一个点,将所有单词附加到列表中并从中返回一个句子。但是这个 while 循环在第一个点处停止。我怎样才能让这个循环一直持续到 json 文件的末尾?

with open(json_file) as f:
    data = json.load(f)

for word in data['words']:
    while not data['words'][i]['name'] == '.':
        i +=1
    sentence = ' '.join(word for word in sentenceList)
print (sentence)

json 示例:

"words": [
      "duration": "0.18", 
      "confidence": "0.990", 
      "name": "Is", 
      "time": "0.80"
      "duration": "0.27", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "dit", 
      "time": "0.99"
      "duration": "0.24", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "met", 
      "time": "1.50"
      "duration": "0.54", 
      "confidence": "0.990", 
      "name": "vaart", 
      "time": "1.86"
      "duration": "0.33", 
      "confidence": "0.990", 
      "name": ".", 
      "time": "2.40"
      "duration": "0.06", 
      "confidence": "0.910", 
      "name": "We", 
      "time": "2.73"
      "duration": "0.21", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "hebben", 
      "time": "2.79"
      "duration": "0.09", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "het", 
      "time": "3.00"
      "duration": "0.42", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "vandaag", 
      "time": "3.09"
      "duration": "0.30", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "over", 
      "time": "3.51"
      "duration": "0.60", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": "België", 
      "time": "3.81"
      "duration": "0.18", 
      "confidence": "1.000", 
      "name": ".", 
      "time": "4.50"


我认为解决方案很简单。你说“但是这个 while 循环在第一个点处停止。”这就是 while 所做的,它循环直到满足条件。所以只需将其替换为 if 结构即可。

with open(json_file) as f:
    data = json.load(f)

for word in data['words']:
    # Check if it's a word or a dot
    if not data['words'][i]['name'] == '.':
        # If word, add it to the array
        i +=1
# All words are appended, now join.
sentence = ' '.join(word for word in sentenceList)

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