python - 运行一个非常简单的 Python 程序时出现问题

标签 python ide python-idle


import random

TheNumber = random.randrange(1,200,1)
NotGuessed = True
Tries = 0

GuessedNumber = int(input("Take a guess at the magic number!: "))                 

while NotGuessed == True:
    if GuessedNumber < TheNumber:
        print("Your guess is a bit too low.")
        Tries = Tries + 1
        GuessedNumber = int(input("Take another guess at the magic number!: "))

    if GuessedNumber > TheNumber:
        print("Your guess is a bit too high!")
        Tries = Tries + 1
        GuessedNumber = int(input("Take another guess at the magic number!: "))

    if GuessedNumber == TheNumber:
        print("You've guess the number, and it only took you " + string(Tries) + "!")



另外,为什么我不能在 Python 中使用 Tries++?不是有自增代码吗?


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Sergio/Desktop/", line 21, in <module>
    print("You've guess the number, and it only took you " + string(Tries) + "!")
NameError: name 'string' is not defined


在最后一行中,将 string 替换为 str ——至少应该解决 python 提示的错误。

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