python - 带有自定义中间件的 django 自定义身份验证后端(用户名、密码和 token Absed 身份验证)

标签 python django python-2.7 django-authentication django-middleware

我面临的情况是,我需要进行自定义身份验证和自定义中间件来对用户进行身份验证和授权。我必须检查 POST 请求中的用户名密码参数,或者是否设置了 cookie 以进行基于 token 的身份验证。现在,据我所知,Python 中不允许函数重载,我该如何实现它。我将下面的代码用于自定义身份验证和自定义中间件。


from django.contrib.auth import authenticate

class AuthMiddleWare(object):
    def process_request(self, request):

        if request.path != '/favicon.ico':
            print "inside process_request " + request.path              

            if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.has_key('username' ) and request.POST.has_key('password'):                     
                authenticate(username = request.POST.get('username'),password = request.POST.get('password'))

            if 'SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE' in request.COOKIES:                     
                authenticate(token = request.COOKIES.get('SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE'))

        return None


from core.api import NcpAPI       

class CustomNCPAuthBackend(object):     
    This is custom authentication backend.
    Authenticate against the webservices call.

    The method below would override authenticate() of django.contrib.auth    
    def authenticate(self, username = None, password = None):           
        print "inside authenticate of username and password with username being : "+username            
        return None

    def authenticate(self,token=None):
        print "inside authenticate of token with token being : "+token
        return None

问题是,即使我在发布请求中检查用户名和密码,它也会调用 token ,因为 token 在那里,但我怎样才能以某种方式强制它呢?

我尝试删除 cookie 并重试,但仍然没有启动以用户名和密码作为参数的身份验证功能。



你是对的,Python 不支持函数重载,因为它根本不需要它。在您的情况下,发生的情况是 authenticate 的第二个声明覆盖了第一个声明,因此您只剩下一个版本的 authenticate,即采用 token 作为参数的版本.


class CustomNCPAuthBackend(object):
    This is custom authentication backend.
    Authenticate against the webservices call.

    The method below would override authenticate() of django.contrib.auth    
    def authenticate_password(self, username=None, password=None):
        print "inside authenticate of username and password with username being : "+username
        return None

    def authenticate_token(self,token=None):
        print "inside authenticate of token with token being : "+token
        return None

    def authenticate(self, token=None, username=None, password=None):
        if token is not None:
             return self.authenticate_token(token)
             return self.authenticate_password(username, password)

这样它将与您编写的 AuthMiddleWare 一起使用。

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