python - 将 subprocess.check_output() 的输出转换为字典

标签 python string python-2.7 dictionary subprocess

我正在使用 subprocess.check_output 从 Python 运行命令 netsh wlan show faces 并将其收集在变量中。

a = subprocess.check_output(["netsh","wlan","show","interfaces"])


>>> print a
>>> \r\nThere is 1 interface on the system: \r\n\r\n    Name                   : Wireless Network Connection\r\n    Description            : Ralink RT3290 802.11bgn Wi-Fi Adapter\r\n    GUID                   : 77cbe2d6-1a1e-41e7-be0a-3f18689c9ceb\r\n    Physical address       : c0:38:96:92:b7:1d\r\n    State                  : connected\r\n    SSID                   : PenguinWiFi\r\n    BSSID                  : 6c:72:20:d2:f9:21\r\n    Network type           : Infrastructure\r\n    Radio type             : 802.11n\r\n    Authentication         : WPA2-Personal\r\n    Cipher                 : CCMP\r\n    Connection mode        : Auto Connect\r\n    Channel                : 11\r\n    Receive rate (Mbps)    : 72\r\n    Transmit rate (Mbps)   : 72\r\n    Signal                 : 100% \r\n    Profile                : PenguinWiFi \r\n\r\n    Hosted network status  : Not available\r\n\r\n'

我想从此输出中获取 wlan 的状态:“已连接”“未连接”

为此,我想将上面的字符串转换为字典,并希望使用 "state" 作为键,以便我可以从键中获取值并决定是否 wlan 已连接或未连接。


>>> a_dict = dict(a)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
    a_dict = dict(a)
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required



I am not getting what is the real problem, its with the string or something else?




netsh 有一个计算机可读的 XML 输出

The Netsh commands for the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) enable you The tool then exports the collected data into an XML file that you can examine for clues to the cause of the problem.

为什么不使用 XML output而不是脆弱的黑客可能会在最微小的控制台输出格式更改时停止工作?

netsh wlan export profile folder="PATH_TO_FOLDER" name=PROFILENAME

这应该为您提供一个计算机可读的文件,可以使用 Python numerous XML tools 轻松遍历。 .


ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required

这是因为 dict 需要一个(键,值)对列表来形成字典。 (key, value) 的长度为 2(它是一对)


>>> dict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)])
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

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