python - 将相对时间更改为 pandas 数据框中的实际日期

标签 python pandas datetime dataframe


不幸的是,对于最近的文章,Google 新闻使用“相对”日期,例如 6 小时前或 1 天前,而不是 2017 年 11 月 1 日。

我真的很想将这些相对日期转换为与其他条目一致(例如,他们也说 2017 年 11 月 12 日),但我不知道从哪里开始。


我并不是真的想要一个解决方案,而是想要一个大概的想法来尝试解决这个问题。我应该尝试使用 numpy 吗?


     Publication    Time    Headline
0   The San Diego Union-Tribune     6 hours ago     I am not opposed to new therapeutic modalities...
1   Devon Live  13 hours ago    If you're looking for a bargain this Christmas...
15  ABS-CBN News    1 day ago   Now, Thirdy has a chance to do something that ...
26  New York Times  Nov 2, 2017     Shepherds lead their sheep through the centre ...


您可以使用to_datetimeto_timedelta首先然后使用combine_firstfloor :

#create dates
dates = pd.to_datetime(df['Time'], errors='coerce')
#create times
times = pd.to_timedelta(df['Time'].str.extract('(.*)\s+ago', expand=False))
#combine final datetimes
df['Time'] = ( - times).combine_first(dates).dt.floor('D')

print (df)
                   Publication       Time  \
0  The San Diego Union-Tribune 2017-11-12   
1                   Devon Live 2017-11-11   
2                 ABS-CBN News 2017-11-11   
3               New York Times 2017-11-02   

0  I am not opposed to new therapeutic modalities  
1  If you're looking for a bargain this Christmas  
2   Now, Thirdy has a chance to do something that  
3   Shepherds lead their sheep through the centre  

print (df['Time'])
0   2017-11-12
1   2017-11-11
2   2017-11-11
3   2017-11-02
Name: Time, dtype: datetime64[ns]

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