Python 自省(introspection) : Automatic wrapping of methods

标签 python reflection wrapper inspection

A 类型的对象以及是否有一种方法可以通过编程方式包装类对象?


class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        ## ..

    def f0(self, a):
        ## ...

    def f1(self, a, b):
        ## ..

我想要另一个包装 A 的类,例如

class B(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = A()

    def f0(self,a):
        except (Exception),ex:
            ## ...

    def f1(self, a, b):
        except (Exception),ex:
            ## ...

有没有办法通过反射/检查类 A 来创建 B.f0 & B.f1


如果你想通过调用预定义类 A 上的函数来创建类 B,你可以简单地执行 B = wrap_class(A) 带有如下所示的函数 wrap_class:

import copy

def wrap_class(cls):
    'Wraps a class so that exceptions in its methods are caught.'
    # The copy is necessary so that mutable class attributes are not
    # shared between the old class cls and the new class:
    new_cls = copy.deepcopy(cls)
    # vars() is used instead of dir() so that the attributes of base classes
    # are not modified, but one might want to use dir() instead:
    for (attr_name, value) in vars(cls).items():
        if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
            setattr(new_cls, attr_name, func_wrapper(value))
    return new_cls

B = wrap_class(A)

正如 Jürgen 所指出的,这会创建一个类的副本;但是,只有在您真的想保留原始类 A 时才需要这样做(如原始问题中所建议的那样)。如果你不关心 A,你可以简单地用一个不执行任何复制的包装器来装饰它,就像这样:

def wrap_class(cls):
    'Wraps a class so that exceptions in its methods are caught.'
    # vars() is used instead of dir() so that the attributes of base classes
    # are not modified, but one might want to use dir() instead:
    for (attr_name, value) in vars(cls).items():
        if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
            setattr(cls, attr_name, func_wrapper(value))
    return cls

class A(object):
    …  # Original A class, with methods that are not wrapped with exception catching

装饰类 A 捕获异常。


import types

def func_wrapper(f):

    'Returns a version of function f that prints an error message if an exception is raised.'

    def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception, ex:
            print "Function", f, "raised", ex

    return wrapped_f

class ExceptionCatcher(type):

    'Metaclass that wraps methods with func_wrapper().'

    def __new__(meta, cname, bases, cdict):
        # cdict contains the attributes of class cname:
        for (attr_name, value) in cdict.items():
            if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):  # Various attribute types can be wrapped differently
                cdict[attr_name] = func_wrapper(value)
        return super(meta, ExceptionCatcher).__new__(meta, cname, bases, cdict)

class B(object):

    __metaclass__ = ExceptionCatcher  # ExceptionCatcher will be used for creating class A

    class_attr = 42  # Will not be wrapped

    def __init__(self):

    def f0(self, a):
        return a*10

    def f1(self, a, b):
        1/0  # Raises a division by zero exception!

# Test:
b = B()
print b.f0(3.14)
print b.class_attr
print b.f1(2, 3)


Function <function f1 at 0x107812d70> raised integer division or modulo by zero

你想做的实际上通常是由一个元类完成的,元类是一个类,其实例是一个类:这是一种基于其解析的 Python 代码动态构建 B 类的方法(类 A 的代码,在问题中)。有关这方面的更多信息,请参阅 Chris 的 Wiki(在 part 1parts 2-4 中)对元类的简短描述。

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