python - 初学者 Python : How to give different responses to ELSE in a while-loop

标签 python python-2.7

因此,我正在学习艰难地学习 Python,我正在学习第 36 课,我根据他在第 35 课中所做的游戏制作了我自己的 BBS 文本风格的游戏。

所以,我做得不错,但我注意到,当我模仿他永恒的 while 循环时,玩家在任何情况下都不能离开房间,除非是非常特殊的情况,循环总是对否则……除非他们说的是正确的话,否则他们将永远陷入困境。


def sleeping_giant():
    print "There is a single door, with a giant sleeping in front of it."
    print "How can you get the giant to move?"
    print "Should you wake him?"
    giant_moved = False

    while True:
        choice = raw_input("> ")

        if choice == "Yes":
            dead("The giant rips you into four pieces and uses your quartered body as a      stack of pillows.")
        elif choice == "No" and not giant_moved: 
            print "The giant rolls in his sleep, clearing an easy path to the door."
            giant_moved = True 
        elif "Open" or "Go" in choice and giant_moved:
            print "I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say to me.  English.     Do you speak it?!"


无论如何,只要用户键入不满足 if 或 elif 的内容,他们就会收到相同的 else 响应。


我不知道如何让代码说(用非文字术语,我的意思是,我无法让逻辑说),'如果使用了 else,响应应该是新的 else,一旦使用了它,它应该是另一个 else 响应。



这是 Greg 使用计数器的增量版本的答案,因此您可以获得可预测的响应顺序:

global responses = [ "Nice try. Try again.",
        "Sorry, what was that?",
        "I don't know what that means."]
def sleeping_giant():
   counter = 0
   print "There is a single door, with a giant sleeping in front of it."
   print "How can you get the giant to move?"
   print "Should you wake him?"
   giant_moved = False

   while True:
       choice = raw_input("> ")

       if choice == "Yes":
           dead("The giant rips you into four pieces and uses your quartered body as a      stack of pillows.")
       elif choice == "No" and not giant_moved: 
           print "The giant rolls in his sleep, clearing an easy path to the door."
           giant_moved = True 
       elif ("Open" in choice or "Go" in choice) and giant_moved:
           print responses[counter]
           if counter < 2:
              counter += 1

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