python - 在Python中获取整数的大端字节序列

标签 python integer rsa

基于这篇文章:How to return RSA key in jwks_uri endpoint for OpenID Connect Discovery

我需要base64url-encode这两个数字的octet value:

n = 124692971944797177402996703053303877641609106436730124136075828918287037758927191447826707233876916396730936365584704201525802806009892366608834910101419219957891196104538322266555160652329444921468362525907130134965311064068870381940624996449410632960760491317833379253431879193412822078872504618021680609253

e = 65537

The "n" (modulus) parameter contains the modulus value for the RSA public key. It is represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value. Note that implementers have found that some cryptographic libraries prefix an extra zero-valued octet to the modulus representations they return, for instance, returning 257 octets for a 2048-bit key, rather than 256. Implementations using such libraries will need to take care to omit the extra octet from the base64url-encoded representation.

The "e" (exponent) parameter contains the exponent value for the RSA public key. It is represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value. For instance, when representing the value 65537, the octet sequence to be base64url-encoded MUST consist of the three octets [1, 0, 1]; the resulting representation for this value is "AQAB".


我如何在 Python 中执行此操作?


在搜索了解决此问题的最佳方法后,使用 pyjwkest似乎是一个不错的方法,而不是创建我自己的函数。

pip install pyjwkest


>>> from jwkest import long_to_base64
>>> long_to_base64(65537)

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