python - 如何使 Django blocktrans 中的空格和缩进无关紧要?

标签 python django django-templates django-i18n

在一些 Django 模板中绘制以下 blocktrans:

{% blocktrans %}
    Some Text
{% endblocktrans %}

在模板中进行一些更改后,您可能希望缩进该 block :

    {% blocktrans %}
        Some Text
    {% endblocktrans %}




  • 尽可能多地使用trans——并不总是有效
  • 保持 blocktrans 语句的初始缩进 - 难以维护
  • 试图在文档和其他资源中找到更多信息

有没有办法让 blocktrans 中的缩进变得无关紧要?


根据文档here :

Another feature {% blocktrans %} supports is the trimmed option. This option will remove newline characters from the beginning and the end of the content of the {% blocktrans %} tag, replace any whitespace at the beginning and end of a line and merge all lines into one using a space character to separate them. This is quite useful for indenting the content of a {% blocktrans %} tag without having the indentation characters end up in the corresponding entry in the PO file, which makes the translation process easier.


    {% blocktrans trimmed %}
        Some Text
    {% endblocktrans %}

将在您的 PO 文件中生成条目 "Some Text"

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