python - 将值列表从 Python 传递到 SQL 查询的 IN 子句

标签 python sql-server sqlalchemy pyodbc

我正在尝试将如下列表传递给 sql 查询

x = ['1000000000164774783','1000000000253252111']

我正在使用 sqlalchemypyodbc 连接到 sql:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series,DataFrame
import pyodbc
import sqlalchemy


我尝试在 sql 查询中使用各种字符串格式函数。下面是其中之一

  xx = ', '.join(x)
  sql = "select * from Pretty_Txns where Send_Customer in (%s)" % xx
  df = pd.read_sql(sql,cnx)


(1000000000164774783, 1000000000253252111) instead of ('1000000000164774783','1000000000253252111')

因此查询失败,因为 Send_Customer 的数据类型在 SQL 中是 varchar(50)

 ProgrammingError: (pyodbc.ProgrammingError) ('42000', '[42000] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]
  [SQL Server]Error converting data type varchar to numeric. (8114) (SQLExecDirectW)') 
 [SQL: 'select * from Pretty_Txns where Send_Customer in (1000000000164774783, 1000000000253252111)']


正如对其他答案的评论中所述,该方法可能会因多种原因而失败。您真正想要做的是创建一个具有所需数量的参数占位符的 SQL 语句,然后使用 .read_sql_query()params= 参数提供值:

x = ['1000000000164774783','1000000000253252111']
placeholders = ','.join('?' for i in range(len(x)))  # '?,?'
sql = f"select * from Pretty_Txns where Send_Customer in ({placeholders})"
df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx, params=x)

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