c# - 为什么 C# 为 `using` 定义了两种不同的用途?

标签 c# using language-specifications

更多的是出于好奇而不是任何问题,但为什么 C# 为关键字 using 定义了两个不同的“目的”?一方面,这是一个指令......

used to create an alias for a namespace or to import types defined in other namespaces.


defines a scope, outside of which an object or objects will be disposed.



几年前我在 Eric Lippert 的博客上问过他同样的问题 here (见第一条评论)。


This is a tricky point of language design; when one keyword is used to represent two completely different concepts, it can be confusing. But introducing a new keyword per concept makes the language feel a bit bloated. I personally would have chosen "imports" or some such syntax for the directive form to ensure that it is not confused with the statement form, but I understand that its a judgment call.

We were designing a feature for C# 4.0 that got cut which was yet another form of "partial" class; basically, a way to share attribute metadata between the machine-generated and user-generated halves of a partial class. I pushed back on using the keyword "partial" for the feature because we would then have had THREE subtly different meanings for "partial" in C#, which I felt was two too many. (I was advocating adding another conditional keyword "existing". Unfortunately the point ended up moot since the feature was cut for lack of time.) -- Eric

对于那些不知道 Eric 是谁的人,他是 C# 编译器团队的开发人员。

关于c# - 为什么 C# 为 `using` 定义了两种不同的用途?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5260915/


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