python - 简单的 Numpy 向量化

标签 python arrays numpy

我有两个一维 Numpy 数组 startstop,它们都包含整数(用于索引其他数组)。我有以下代码。

index_list = []
for i in range(len(start)):
    temp = range(start[i], stop[i])
index_list = np.array(index_list)




def make_index_list(start, stop):
    lens = stop - start
    cum_lens = np.cumsum(lens)
    # Sequential indices the same length as the expected output
    out = np.arange(cum_lens[-1])
    # Starting index for each section of `out`
    cum_lens = np.concatenate(([0], cum_lens[:-1]))
    # How much each section of `out` is off from the correct value
    deltas = start - out[cum_lens]
    # Apply the correction
    out += np.repeat(deltas, lens)

    return out


start = np.random.randint(100, size=(100000,))
stop = start + np.random.randint(1, 10 ,size=start.shape)


In [39]: %%timeit
   ....: index_list = []
   ....: for i in range(len(start)):
   ....:     temp = range(start[i], stop[i])
   ....:     index_list.extend(temp)
   ....: index_list = np.array(index_list)
10 loops, best of 3: 137 ms per loop

In [40]: %timeit make_index_list(start, stop)
100 loops, best of 3: 9.27 ms per loop

In [41]: np.array_equal(make_index_list(start, stop), index_list)
Out[41]: True

所以它是正确的并且快了大约 15 倍,一点也不差......

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