python - Python map() 是否允许索引?

标签 python string dictionary replace

有什么方法可以获取映射函数的列表的索引?我已经让 map 几乎可以工作了,但我能够访问我的 long_words 列表中的特定项目

# full_chunk is a very long string of plaintext (eg:pages from a book)
# long_words is a list of words for which I wish to substitute other things

# works
for x in xrange(len(long_words)):
    full_chunk = full_chunk.replace(long_words[x],str(x))

# doesn't work :(
subber = lambda a,b,c: a.replace(b,c)

目前,我只想用 中所述单词的索引替换出现在 full_chunk 中的 long_words 的每个单词long_words 列表。例如:

# example input
long_words = ['programming','pantaloons']
full_chunk = 'While programming, I prefer to wear my most vividly-hued pantaloons.'

# desired output (which is what the for loop gives me)
'While 0, I prefer to wear my most vividly-hued 1.'



使用enumerate() ,你根本不需要 map():

>>> long_words = ['programming', 'pantaloons']
>>> full_chunk = 'While programming, I prefer to wear my most vividly-hued pantaloons.'
>>> for i, word in enumerate(long_words):
...     full_chunk = full_chunk.replace(word, str(i))
>>> full_chunk
'While 0, I prefer to wear my most vividly-hued 1.'

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