python - 从字符串列表中选择合适的选项

标签 python python-3.x loops select


x = ['Mary had a little lamb', 
           'Jack went up the hill', 
           'Jill followed suit',    
           'i woke up suddenly',
           'I just missed the train',
           'it was a really bad dream']

我想选择那些倒数第二个单词不是“the”的选项。 我怎么能在 python 3 上做到这一点? 我试过这个:

l = []
for i in x:
    for k in i: 
        if i.index(k) != (len(i) -2):
             l.append(' '.join(i))



您可以使用带有 split 的列表理解将句子分成单词,然后使用索引 [-2] 检查倒数第二个元素。

>>> [s for s in x if s.split()[-2] != "the"]
['Mary had a little lamb',
 'Jill followed suit',
 'i woke up suddenly',
 'it was a really bad dream']

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