python - 为什么 dicts 比任何 int 都大?

标签 python python-2.7 dictionary inequality


我的代码不小心使用不等式将 dict 与 int 进行了比较,结果证明任何 dict 在测试时都评估为 True 大于 int。

d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
d > 0
Out[20]: True
d > 10e99999999999999
Out[21]: True


这发生在 Python 2.7 上运行


来自Python 2.7 documentation :

Objects of different types, except different numeric types and different string types, never compare equal; such objects are ordered consistently but arbitrarily (so that sorting a heterogeneous array yields a consistent result).

Python 3.3 documentation取而代之的是:

The <, <=, > and >= operators will raise a TypeError exception when comparing a complex number with another built-in numeric type, when the objects are of different types that cannot be compared, or in other cases where there is no defined ordering.

这意味着从 Python 3 开始,您所看到的不再可能,而是这种比较会像您预期的那样产生 TypeError

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