python 3 : How can I get news articles that contain a certain keyword

标签 python python-3.x search-engine textblob python-newspaper


我使用了 TextBlob 和 Newspaper3K python 3 包。我试图将 Newspaper3K 的 url 字符串作为 Google 新闻搜索查询的结果,但报纸包似乎只是重定向到 Google 新闻的“主页”。



from textblob import TextBlob
import newspaper

#keyword = input("Please enter the keyword: ")
keyword = "Apple" #for testing only
keyword_lowercase = keyword.lower()

search_string = "" # only for google news
split_keyword = keyword.split()
for i in range(len(split_keyword)):
    search_string += split_keyword[i]
    if i != len(split_keyword)-1:
        search_string += '+'

def google_news_site(search_query):
    prefix = ''
    return prefix+search_string

#Currently for only
url_string = google_news_site(search_string)
paper =, memoize_articles=False)

def sentiment(text):
    return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity

current_sum = 0.0
relevant_article_count = 0
for article in paper.articles:
    article_text = article.text
    article_text_lowercase = article_text.lower()
    if keyword_lowercase in article_text_lowercase:
        current_sum += sentiment(article_text)

print("Article count is", str(relevant_article_count)+".")

rating = current_sum/max(relevant_article_count, 1)
print("The rating for", keyword, "is", str(rating)+".")


最简单的方法是设置一个名为 searx 的软件实例或使用现有实例,如。

searx 是一个元搜索引擎,它将查询真正的搜索引擎、合并结果并可能返回一个 json 文件。这是一个示例查询:

$ curl "" | jq . | head -n 100

  "number_of_results": 0,
  "corrections": [],
  "query": "Apple",
  "infoboxes": [],
  "suggestions": [],
  "results": [
      "engine": "bing news",
      "category": "news",
      "parsed_url": [
      "pubdate": "2019-09-22 08:28:00+0000",
      "engines": [
        "bing news"
      "publishedDate": "il y a 9 heure(s), 5 minute(s)",
      "url": "",
      "positions": [
      "title": "Apple iPhone 11 Falltests mit unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen",
      "content": "Auf der Keynote 2019 am 10. September 2019 wurde das Apple iPhone 11 mit dem härtesten Glas in einem Smartphone beworben.",
      "pretty_url": "[...]sts-mit-unterschiedlichen-ergebnissen/",
      "score": 1,
      "img_src": ""

由于 searx 是 python 代码,您可以直接调用相应的 python 函数。

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