python - ProcessPoolExecutor,BrokenProcessPool处理

标签 python python-3.x concurrency future

在本文档 ( ) 中说:

“ProcessPoolExecutor 的工作方式与 ThreadPoolExecutor 相同,但使用进程而不是线程。这允许 CPU 密集型操作使用单独的 CPU,而不会被 CPython 解释器的全局解释器锁阻塞。”


“如果其中一个工作进程发生意外导致其意外退出,则 ProcessPoolExecutor 被视为“已损坏”并且将不再安排任务。”

这听起来很糟糕 :( 所以我想我的问题是:什么被认为是“意外”?这是否仅仅意味着退出信号不是 1?我可以安全地退出线程并继续处理队列吗?示例如下如下:

from concurrent import futures
import os
import signal

with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as ex:
    print('getting the pid for one worker')
    f1 = ex.submit(os.getpid)
    pid1 = f1.result()

    print('killing process {}'.format(pid1))
    os.kill(pid1, signal.SIGHUP)

    print('submitting another task')
    f2 = ex.submit(os.getpid)
        pid2 = f2.result()
    except futures.process.BrokenProcessPool as e:
        print('could not start new tasks: {}'.format(e))


我没有在 IRL 中看到它,但从代码来看,返回的文件描述符似乎不包含 results_queue 文件描述符。

来自 concurrent.futures.process:

    reader = result_queue._reader

    while True:

        sentinels = [p.sentinel for p in processes.values()]
        assert sentinels
        ready = wait([reader] + sentinels)
        if reader in ready:  # <===================================== THIS
            result_item = reader.recv()
            # Mark the process pool broken so that submits fail right now.
            executor = executor_reference()
            if executor is not None:
                executor._broken = True
                executor._shutdown_thread = True
                executor = None
            # All futures in flight must be marked failed
            for work_id, work_item in pending_work_items.items():
                        "A process in the process pool was "
                        "terminated abruptly while the future was "
                        "running or pending."
                # Delete references to object. See issue16284
                del work_item

wait 函数取决于系统,但假设 linux 操作系统(在 multiprocessing.connection 处,删除了所有与超时相关的代码):

    def wait(object_list, timeout=None):
        Wait till an object in object_list is ready/readable.

        Returns list of those objects in object_list which are ready/readable.
        with _WaitSelector() as selector:
            for obj in object_list:
                selector.register(obj, selectors.EVENT_READ)

            while True:
                ready =
                if ready:
                    return [key.fileobj for (key, events) in ready]
                    # some timeout code

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