python - pymatch 在拟合 : Unable to coerce to Series, 长度必须为 1 时给出错误:给定 xxx

标签 python

我正在尝试使用 pymatch 构建分数匹配。不幸的是我收到以下错误

Fitting Models on Balanced Samples: 1\200Error: Unable to coerce to Series, length must be 1: given 1898


from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
from pymatch.Matcher import Matcher
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=5000, centers=2, n_features=2, cluster_std=3.5)
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=X[:,0], y=X[:,1], label=y))
df['population'] = np.random.choice([1, 0], size=len(df), p=[0.8, 0.2])

control = df[df.label == 1]
test = df[df.label == 0]

m = Matcher(test, control, yvar="population", exclude=['label'])

m.fit_scores(balance=True, nmodels=200)



降级 pandas 对我不起作用,但我发现了问题所在。


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