python - 我如何知道我的 mailman post 使用 gmail 是否成功?

标签 python command-line mailman

如果您使用 gmail 向 mailman 邮件列表发帖,您将不会在收件箱中收到您自己的邮件,因为它会立即存档。有很多关于 Gmail 对此行为的提示,但直到现在您也无能为力。





有一个option in mailman这将使 postman 在您的邮件送达时告诉您:

How can I get Mailman to tell me when my post has been received by the list? (ack option)


To set this using the email interface:

Send a mail to LISTNAME-request@DOMAIN with the command set ack on or set ack off.


但是,如果您是 postman 列表的管理员,甚至是运行许多 postman 列表的服务器的管理员,您可能希望为列表中的所有 gmail 用户更改此选项。在这种情况下,以下脚本可能会帮助您通过命令行自动更改选项。

  • 将以下行保存到 /usr/lib/mailman/bin/文件名很重要!将 /usr/lib/mailman 替换为你的 mailman 安装路径!)
  • cd/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
  • sudo withlist -r ackpostforgmail LISTNAME

    # Call this script with:
    # cd /usr/lib/mailman/bin/
    # withlist -r ackpostforgmail LISTNAME
    from Mailman import mm_cfg
    def ackpostforgmail(m):
        # m is the maillist object for the list LISTNAME
        # We need to lock the list, since we want to change something...
        print "Setting 'AcknowledgePosts' to True for all gmail adresses of the list..."
        for memb in m.members:
            # If the mailadress memb contains 'gmail'...
            if 'gmail' in memb:
                # ...set the ackpost option...
                prev_state = m.getMemberOption(memb, mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts)
                m.setMemberOption(memb, mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts,True)
                after_state = m.getMemberOption(memb, mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts)
                print "%s: %s -> %s" % (memb, prev_state, after_state)

如果您想对所有列表运行此操作,您可能需要为 with_list 命令添加 -a 标志。否则,list_lists 命令可能有助于您查找正在运行的列表。

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